Add and Edit Pages
Ctrl+Q = opens a Quick Find field to search for fields, actions and sections on the screen
Ctrl+Alt+Right Arrow/Left Arrow = snaps the screen to the right/left of the browser
Date Field Hotkeys
t = today
- = back one day
+ or d = forward one day
w = forward one week
b = forward two weeks
m = forward one month
y = forward one year
↑ = forward one month, day, or year
↓ = back one month, day, or year
Time Field Hotkeys
n or t = current time
- = back one minute
+ = forward one minute
h = forward one hour
a = AM
p = PM
Editable Grids/Fields
F2 = puts the cell that has focus into edit mode
F8 = saves changes made to editable fields
Ctrl+Shift+F9 = opens the Diagnostics screen
Ctrl+F8 = apply changes without closing the screen
Enter = commits the new value to the cell and places focus on the cell below it. You can then press F2 and repeat the same process as above or use the arrow keys to navigate to another cell you would like to edit.
Tab = commits the new value to the cell and selects the next editable cell to the right
Enter = save changes and close screen
Tab = commits the new value to the cell and opens the next editable cell to the right in an editable mode
Shift+Tab = Commits the new value to the cell and opens the next editable cell to the left in an editable mode
Esc = reverts the cell back to the original value, closes the editable mode of the cell and keeps focus on the current cell
Booking Calendar
Shift+F8 = shows timings and other diagnostics in a blue title bar message. Must first highlight a date/time for any space, then press Shift+F8. A dialog box opens in the upper right corner.
Booking Specific Hotkeys
Insert = inserts a row into the grid, where enabled
Ctrl+Alt+I = insert rows in the grid
Function Specific Hotkeys
Ctrl+Alt+A = insert after in the Functions grid
Ctrl+Alt+B = insert before in the Functions grid
Ctrl+Alt+I = insert indented in the Functions grid
Ctrl+Alt+X = cut Function(s)
Ctrl+Alt+C = copy Function(s)
Ctrl+Alt+V = paste Function
Taskbar Hotkeys
Ctrl+Shift+F6 = open taskbar
Tab = navigates through the Current Windows and Recent History options
Enter = opens the selected screen
Escape = closes the taskbar
Additional Tips and Tricks
- Use the spacebar to check and uncheck check boxes.
- On some cells, you don't need to press F2 to open the cell in an editable mode. You can just begin typing into the field.
- On many screens, using Ctrl+S saves the information without closing the screen.
- Use Ctrl+Enter to add service orders on the Service Orders screen.
- If any of the above shortcuts do not work, you may need to press the fn key on your keyboard in addition to the hotkey combination depending on your keyboard settings. For example, if the hotkey is Ctrl+Shift+F6, you may need to press Ctrl+Shift+fn+F6.
Thanks Carries, I have passed this onto my users. I have been trying them out but there is one shortcut which looks interesting which I can't get to work - perhaps you can explain the window and key position for booking shortcut SHIFT+F8
I've updated the article to include this information about the SHIFT-F8 shortcut: Must first highlight a date/time for any space, then hit SHIFT-F8 - a dialog box will display in the upper right-hand corner.
Should CTRL-Q be added to this list? (new 30.96 Quick Search feature)
FYI, CTRL-Q doesn't work on a Mac because that is the hotkey to quit an application. Is there a list of hotkeys for USI for Mac ?
Hi Tim,
The quick search feature is still a work-in-progress feature. You can use it in released versions, but it's not fully fleshed out at this point.
As for the shortcut issue, I believe Cmd-Q is the shortcut for quitting an application. Ctrl-Q should work on a Mac with no issue. As far as I know, the shortcuts listed should work on Mac, but if you find any that don't, please let us know.
Hi all,
Not sure if i missed this in any articles, but is there a shortcut for adding service order items?
Hi Rachel,
You may use the "custom order item" fields on event/functions to add items quickly. Here is an article that may help further - Please reach out if you need any further assistance on this. Hope this helps.
Enhancement request for Date and Time Field Hotkeys: enable "shift" as a modifier to all forward shortcuts to make them into backward shortcuts (e.g. w = forward one week; shift+w = backward on week... imagine being able to click into a start date field and hitting "t, shift+b, shift+w, tab, t, w,w" to get a span of three weeks before today, two weeks after).
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