Occasionally, your may need to make changes to a custom Crystal Report. Before importing the new report, verify the .rpt file is not open in Crystal Reports and it is saved to a file location accessible from your desktop. To make the new report available:
- Log into the software as an administrator.
- Click the Report Master link from the Main Menu. The Report Master page opens.
- Select the report to replace.
- Right-click and select Tools -> Import/Replace Report. A message displays warning that the imported report takes precedence over the standard report.
- Click Yes to confirm and continue. The Open window opens.
- Select the new report.
- Click the Open button. You receive a confirmation message when the new report is imported.
If you do not receive a confirmation message, the report file was not imported. If you try importing the report file and receive no message (no success or error message), the report was not imported successfully. If the file is not imported successfully, verify the following:
- Make sure the Crystal Report source file is not open. The upload process cannot happen if the file is open.
- Turn off the Save Report Data option in the Crystal Report file.
- Many servers have a file upload limit. If your file is large (2MB or over), contact your system administrator to see if you have an upload limit.
- Ensure the file can open in Crystal Reports and is not corrupted in any way.
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