
Assign User Defined Fields (UDFs) to Resources



  • Michelle Herson


    I am following these directions, however when I get to step 4 I do not have a Resource User Fields drop-down.  I tried editing the layout and it is not an option to add this field.  I am on 20.82 G x11

  • Carrie Spalding

    Hi Michelle!

    That's not expected behavior.  Just to confirm, you're on the Minor Inventory Groups screen, and you've selected a group, and then right-clicked and selected edit, bringing you to the Edit Minor Inventory Group window.  From there, you've selected Edit Layout and that's where you're unable to locate the Resource User Fields drop-down menu?

    If all that's true, and those are the steps you took, please submit a ticket because that field should be there!


  • Michelle Herson

    Hi Carrie,

    That is correct.  The only difference is that we did not have a group there so I had to add one.  I will submit a ticket.


  • Sean Tame

    Hi Carrie & Michelle,

    Interestingly enough I had to do this just yesterday.  I instinctively went to do this the 'old school' way by adding a UDF set to a Minor Inventory Group and then assigning the resource to that group.

    When I did this, the UDF was on the Resource Master record, but not on the Service Order Item when that resource was ordered.

    I then added the UDF set directly to the resource via the 'Order Items User Fields Type' dropdown - this worked a treat.

    Not sure if this what you were after.

  • Michelle Herson

    Hi Sean,

    Thanks for your help!  I was able to select the UDF the way you suggested, but it says in the help box that the field is for the Exhibitor Service Center.  We are actually trying to get the UDF on a resource to use internally (and report on internally). 

    Great to know that is an option though!  Thank you!

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