
Save Different Report Settings on a Report Prompt Window



  • Stacey Hurley

    Is it possible to save the report prompt views for other roles and departments?

    When I follow the instructions listed in this article, I am only able to save the view for myself. I have access to save views for Everyone or Users & Roles throughout the rest of the system, but not on this screen. We would like to set-up some views of a report prompt for specific departments - is this possible?

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Stacey,

    This is currently on our roadmap as a future enhancement but no timetable on when it will be completed by from Development. We will update this thread once it is available.



  • Franziska Kägi

    Welches Zugriffsrecht muss ein Benutzer haben, damit er Berichtsaufforderungsansichten speichern kann?

  • Maggie U.
  • Theresa Gorman

    Is this on the roadmap yet?

    My users do not have permission to save or add new views, however, there is no issue with them saving their view for reports. 

    Even saving the last user settings automatically would solve the issue, or if the admin had permission to save the views for roles

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Theresa,

    I checked with our Product Management team and this is still on the roadmap but no timeline on when it will be worked on by Development. Once we have more information we will be sure to update here.



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