
Licenses Used with Multiple Browser Tabs



  • If you have 100 concurrent licenses you will have 100 concurrent in PROD and 100 concurrent in TEST.

    If you login to both environments there will be 99 free in both. If you only log into one environment there will 99 left in one environment and 100 available in the other.

    Hope that makes sense!

  • Tony Costantino (DeBartolo Performing Arts Center)

    How about if we're in two different environments on the same device? I am logged into both PROD and TEST on my office computer; am I tying up one or two licenses for anyone else trying to log into PROD?

  • Asli Okur


    We use the Advanced Text Editor for some of the emails and notes in Ungerboeck, as it provides more functionalities. We just found out, that the usage of the advanced text editor blocks another concurrent license. If we close the editor or click done, the second license is not automatically released, so only after the timeout this license is free again.

    Anybody observed the same behavior? We are hosted and on v20.92F on PROD and v20.93F on TEST, I tried it out in both, and it is the same. It would be great if the opening of a new advanced text editor window in Internet Explorer would not be considered as a new session/workstation, as this is actually the same user on the same PC.



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