You can credit a final invoice in the payment plan and create a new final invoice.
Configure the System Setting for Final Invoice Crediting
You only need to configure the below once. If you have previously used payment plans, verify the behavior of all custom invoice reports and interfaces before turning on this system setting.
- Click the Accounts Receivable Configuration link from the Main Menu. The Accounts Receivable Configuration screen opens.
- Select the General tab.
- Expand the Payment Plans section.
- Check the Allow Credit of Phase 5 Payment Plan Invoices check box.
- Click OK.
Credit the Final Payment Plan Step
- Navigate to the payment plan that needs the payment plan step credited.
- Select the actual/final invoice step.
- Right-click and select Tools -> Credit. A warning displays to verify you want to credit the payment plan step.
- Click Continue. A new negative step is created.
- Select the new negative step.
- Right-click and select Tools -> Invoice. The Issue Invoices screen opens.
- Select the necessary information.
- Click OK. The credit step is invoiced. The invoice reverses any journal entries from the final invoice.
- Click the Add Actual Step button. A new actual step is added to the Payment Plan.
- Re-open the orders and make the necessary corrections.
- Complete the work orders and close the updated order(s).
- Select the actual step created in step 9.
- Right-click and select Tools -> Invoice. The Issue Invoices screen opens.
- Select the necessary information and click OK.
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