You can split out items on an existing service order to a new order using Split Order. This is often used when you need to bill some items separately or assign them to a different payment plan.
When you split a service order, you move items from an existing service order and create a new service order with those items. The information on the new service order is the same as the existing order such as order account, bill-to account and payment plan information. Work orders related to the items on the existing order are deleted and new work orders are created for the items on the new order. If your audit log is configured for service order and service order item changes, then audit log entries are created for the deleted and added items.
If you move all the items from the existing service order, the existing service order is kept but contains no items. If you move all items from an existing Booking Order and organization parameter BK 079 (Delete Booking Orders if Empty) is set to Yes, then booking orders are deleted. If the parameter is set to No, then the booking order remains with no items.
You can split a service order into an already existing service order.
Splitting Orders and Service Order Items
You can split booking orders, forecast orders, revised forecast orders and service orders. You cannot split orders that are:
- Closed or Cancelled
- On a contract
To split an order that is on a contract, you need to remove the order from the contract, split the order and then re-add the orders to the contract.
You can split service order items at an active status and in the ordered phase. You cannot split cancelled or completed service order items or items with actuals. If a service order item has the quantity linked to event attendance, function attendance or a statistics item, the link to the attendance or statistic is kept in the split order process. In addition, any discounts on the service order item are also retained.
You cannot split packages and package items. You must move the entire package to the new order.
You cannot split tax items; however, taxes are recalculated based on the service order item changes.
Enterprise uses the standard service order privileges during the Split Order process. You must have access to the existing order and have access to create a new order to split an order.
To split an order:
- Click the Service Orders link from the Main Menu. The Service Orders screen opens.
- Select the order to split.
- Right-click and select Tools -> Split Order. The Split Order screen displays with the items on the selected order displaying in the Available section.
- Select the items to move to the new order. Click the green plus button next to an item or select an item and use the single right arrow to add an item to the Selected section one at a time. You can add multiple items at one time using Ctrl+Click to select multiple items and clicking the single right arrow button or by clicking the double right arrow to move all the items from the Available section to the Selected section.
- Click OK. The screen refreshes and the new order displays in the service order list.
Is there any opportunity/will there be any opportunity in the future of being able to split a service order for space rental (booking order) and then moving the new order to a new function?
We are currently only version 20.90L but upgrading our system to 20.93 tonight.
Hi Jemma,
You aren't able to move Booking Orders/items to a different function if they are actually booking items/space rates. When splitting out space rates, the new order is still a Booking Order. Booking Orders are on the Planning function and can't be moved for many reasons. If there are items other than space rates, like a microphone or something, that you want to split off, then you can create the new order and move to to a new function using Move Order. If there are no booking items on the new order, it is no longer flagged as a Booking Order and can be moved to a different function.
Hope that helps!
Hi Maggie
Thanks for your prompt reply. I understand what you mean I guess it's just a wish list item of ours to be able to split a booking order between two functions. One of the reports we use frequently will allow us to set parameters of which functions we wish to see on a report. On some occasions we have built a 'multi-day/booking' event where we split the booking order and then create separate functions (one for each booking day) that contain all of the other resources on the order. We've found that this will allow us to keep the bookings bundled into one event but if we ever want to generate the report that shows only the costs/ordered items for one of the booking days we come unstuck as we can't find a way to omit the booking order for both booking dates.. A workaround for this would be to create the events separately in the system but we try to avoid that if possible as essentially the booking details are the same, just on different dates.
Kind Regards
Hi Jemma,
I have scenarios where there is as requirement (mainly for reporting) to have the booking rates tied to the Function. In this case we do not enter the rate on the bookings, we manually add a service order for the rental directly onto the function. In this way there is effectively no booking order and therefore no booking order restriction.
While not ideal, I would certainly recommend this over creating multiple events.
Hi Sean
Thanks for the suggestion, I see how that could help avoid the issue we are having. I'll put forth that suggestion to our team and see what their thoughts are. If we can avoid creation of multiple events I'm all for it!
Ideally I'd love to see a solution where we can create Level 2 functions underneath the Booking Order Function where split booking orders could be assigned to - that is the dream!
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