If you need to change the bill-to account on specific booking rates within the same event and all the rates are on the same booking order, you can use the Split Order process. After splitting the booking rate(s), you can edit the order and change the bill-to account as needed. You must have the Allow Booking and Event Bill-To Accounts to Differ check box checked on the Booking Configuration screen to allow for a different bill-to account on the booking order than the event bill-to account.
This does not apply to booking rates on contracts created through the Contracts module. If using the Contracts module, split the booking rates to different orders by placing them on different contracts, which can have different accounts associated with them.
To split a booking order:
- Select the service order with the booking rates.
- Right-click and select Tools -> Split Order. The Split Order screen opens with room rates from the booking order in the Available section.
- Select the room rate(s) to add to the order from the Available section of the screen. Use Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click to select multiple rates.
- Click the single right arrow button to move the selected rate(s) to the Selected section of the screen.
- Click Save. The screen refreshes and the new order displays in the service order list.
- Edit the order for any additional updates such as changing the Bill-To Account.
Is it possible to split the booking-rate-function too?
Hi Nadine,
If you are asking if you can have bookings orders on different functions, that is not possible.
Please review the comments in the post for Moving Items to a New Service Order for some additional suggestions: https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/articles/115013256588-Moving-Items-to-a-New-Service-Order
If that is not your question, please provide additional details.
Best Regards,
Wendy Thompson
Senior Quality Engineer
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