
Drop-Down Choices for User Defined Fields (UDFs) and Custom Fields



  • Welter Nadine

    We entered some values into this list a long time ago.

    Now we don´t want them to be used. But when i check the retire checkbox, it´s still shown in the drop down list.

    Should I better delete them?


    Best regards,


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Nadine,

    Which value are you trying to retire? Answers in the validation lists and the validation lists don't have a retire option - are you trying to retire the entire user defined field set in the opportunity types screen?



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Nadine,

    Apologies for speaking too soon. I did a quick test of retiring a validation answer and after I retired it, it no longer showed in the drop-down for selection. Did you make sure to refresh the screen that is showing the drop-down after retiring the validation answer? I ask because I often forget to do that myself sometimes!



  • Welter Nadine

    Hello Maggie, 

    Thank you for your answers and sorry for my late answer.. We refreshed the screen. But the retired options are still shown in the drop down. Specifically, the problem occurs with user-defined fields of ressource/inventory/purchasing Issue Types. 

    I deleted the validation list of the UDF in the issue type and set it again. But the retired options are still shown. :-(



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Nadine,

    Just to make sure we are both doing the same thing - to retire an answer:

    1. Click Custom Field Validation Tables from the Main Menu. The Custom Field List screen opens.

    2. Select the validation list that contains the answer you want to retire.

    3. Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Custom Field List screen opens.

    4. In the Validation Entries tab, select the answer you want to retire.

    5. Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Validation Entry screen opens.

    6. Check the Retire check box.

    7. Click OK.

    Once it's retired, the answer won't be available for any UDF that uses that validation list. 

    Is this the same process you are doing or are you trying to retire something different than what is above? 



  • Welter Nadine

    Hello Maggie, 

    That's exactly what I am doing. :-)

    Best regards,


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Nadine,

    I am officially stumped as to why it would still be showing. There may be just one step in the process that we are both overlooking. Could you submit a ticket to our Client Care Team with screen shots and your steps and they can look at it more closely? Sorry we couldn't get it figured out!



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