
Save Outlook Meetings to Ungerboeck (Appointments)



  • Sherri Hines

    The link to the ftp site does not work.

    I logged into my ftp site but I don't know what version of the Outlook add-in we are looking for.  Please state the version number.



  • Kris Corrigan

    I have downloaded the latest outlook add-in and plus outlook add-in, created the appointment as noted above, upon going to the appointment and the Ungerboeck ribbon not showing, when I am adding this the tick box is active but the ribbon is still not showing on the appointment.

    Any idea why this might be.



  • Carrie Spalding

    Sherri, I've corrected the link, my apologies on that.  Currently the most current version of the Add-In available is the 2090_Plus_Ungerboeck Outlook Add-in, modified on 8/31/17.


  • Carrie Spalding

    Kris, are you using the 2090_Plus version?  And did you first uninstall the Add-In version you were using?

    I will update the article to include that step (removing any old versions before installing the new).


  • Sherri Hines

    Ok, I have that version installed but I don't have the Ungerboeck option on the ribbon to add.

    Where do I find this?


  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Kris,

    A couple things to double check. First, after installing the new Outlook Addin, I would recommend closing Outlook and reopening. Second, make sure the Addin is not disabled (I have had this happen to me before. In Outlook, go to File >> Options >> Add-ins >> make sure Ungerboeck Outlook Add-in is listed under Active Application Add-ins). Lastly, please double check and make sure that in Outlook, you are adding a Meeting. Appointments in Outlook cannot be pushed to Ungerboeck.


    Kaitlyn Batliner


  • Carrie Spalding


    This happened to me too, so try this before we decide there's a bug: Click "Add a New Meeting," and add an Attendee, any Attendee.  Does "Ungerboeck" then show in your ribbon?  

    Let me know!


  • Kris Corrigan

    Thanks Carrie

    Kaitlyn - It was uninstalling the previous version and installing the plus add-in where I was going wrong.



  • Sherri Hines


  • Carrie Spalding

    Okay, then I'm sorry that didn't work and would suggest a call to support so they can check any and all configurations.



  • Kris Corrigan

    Carrie -  how does cancellations work, I cancelled the appointment in outlook but no ribbon is displaying to post to Ungerboeck and once deleted this doesn't delete within Ungerboeck, you cant delete the appointment in Ungerboeck without doing so via outlook

  • Carrie Spalding


    Once you cancel the meeting in Outlook it should automatically change the status of an appointment in Ungerboeck to cancelled, as well.  You don't have to push it to Ungerboeck for a cancellation.  If you are not seeing that functionality, please call Support and let's have them verify everything is configured correctly.



  • Levin Shum

    Hi there,


    Wondering if there's a way to push Outlook Meetings into Ungerboeck as a new Event? If not, is this feature on the road map? Just curious as my team asked me that.


    Thank you,


  • Sean Tame

    Hi Levin,

    There is an Outlook Room Booking module but I cannot seem to find any reference to it on this forum??

  • Levin Shum

    Thank you Sean for the information. I will submit a ticket to ask for some info on the Outlook Room Booking module.


    Hi Lee, I looked at the discuss there. It seems that it is creating an Appointment in Ungerboeck when pushed from the Outlook Meeting, but it does not create a new event in Ungerboeck. Is it correct?


    Thank you,


  • Ellie Davis

    Hi, can this work in reverse (UB Appointments be sent to Outlook calendar)?

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Ellie,

    At this time it is not possible from Ungerboeck appointments to be sent to the Outlook calendar. I would suggest you post in our General Product Ideas page (link below) so our Product Management team can review this as a possible future enhancement.




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