EFT/Check Exports are used to create a file from your accounts payable payment batches. These files can be used to upload the payment details to your bank, in the form of a payment file or a Positive Pay (Check Report) Export.
Positive Pay Export is a tool used by the US Commercial Bank, which allows users to create a report of checks that have been issued during a specific time period. The report can include voided or canceled checks, and the information is then sent to a bank for verification. This service is offered by many banks to ensure that only approved checks can be cashed.
Check reports for other regions are configured using a customizable crystal report and the check settings on the Edit Bank Account window, rather than the EFT/Check Export Format configuration mentioned below. For more information about check stub reports, connect with your primary Momentus contact.
CSV and SEPA formatting is available as part of the standard Enterprise Accounts Payable licencing. If the requirements from your bank differ to the standard formats, a customized format can be discussed with your primary Momentus contact.
For more information on exporting an EFT export or printing a Check Report, see Export EFT/Check files.
In this article:
Interpreting file formats
Prior to defining the file format it is important to obtain the requirements, either from your bank or by searching online. If your bank is able to accept both CSV and SEPA files, it will be up to organization to decide which format aligns best with your internal requirements.
CSV, TSV and TXT Files
CSV, TSV and TXT file format information should include the expected output format (such as fixed length text or .csv), a definition of the header/details/trailer records, and details of how to structure each record. It is important that you know the particular order, length and expected contents, before beginning configuration of the export file.
A standard CSV file format will be a fixed-length, text format with Header, Details, and Trailer records defined. For each record, there will be:
- The character position (normally from/to).
- Field size. This should correspond to the character position from/to.
- Format. Normally alphanumeric, numeric or the date format required.
- Data requirements to determine the contents of the field.
SEPA Files
SEPA XML is a uniform file format that is mandatory for credit transfers and direct debits in the European payments area (SEPA). A standard SEPA format is available for Enterprise payment batch exports. If you are using Enterprise version 24.2 or above, you do not need to configure any parameters to use the latest SEPA format; you will find the SEPA format automatically selectable in Step 14 of the Export EFT/Check file process.
If you are using Enterprise version 24.1 or below, you will need to configure the SEPA Organization Parameter.
Configure the SEPA Organization Parameter (for versions 24.1 and below only)
To configure the parameter:
- Navigate to Organization Parameters.
- In the search criteria, add the following:
- Application: AP
- Code: SEPV
- Click Search. If no results show, proceed to Step 4. If the parameter is shown in the results, your system is already configured with the SEPA export format and you can click OK.
- If the parameter does not show in the search results, click Add. The Add Organization Parameter window opens.
- Add the following details:
- Application: AP
- Code: SEPV
- Description: AP SEPA Format
- Value: 3
- Click OK. The Organization Parameter is added.
Once this configuration has been completed, continue to the Export EFT/Check file process to test the export format in your TEST database.
Add a new EFT/Check Export Format
When adding a new export format, you can create a new format or copy an existing format. If the required format is similar to an existing one, it is recommended to copy the existing format, and then make the necessary adjustments.
To add a new EFT Export format:
- Navigate to the EFT/Check Exports page and click Add.
- Enter the following information:
- Description: Name of the export format. This is used to identify the format during the export process.
- Header: Determines if a header is included in the export file. Select:
- Yes: Header will be included in the export file. The header information will be configured in the Batch Header tab.
- No: No header information is included in the export file.
- Multiple: Multiple headers are included in the export file. Header information will be configured in both the File Header and the Batch Header tabs.
- Control: Determines if the export file uses a control value. Select:
- Yes: A control value will be used in the export file. Control information will be configured in the Batch Control tab.
- No: No control value is included in the export file.
- Multiple: Multiple control values are included in the export file. Control information will be configured in both the Batch Control and File Control tabs.
- Fixed: Determines if the file is exported in a fixed length format. Select:
- Yes: Overrides the configuration in the Delimited field. and exports a fixed file length. All rows (including headers and controls) are expected to export at the same length. Fixed lengths files do not have delimiters between fields.
- No: Relies on the value configured in the Delimited field to indicate if each field is separated by a delimiter and text fields are separated by quotes (").
- Quoted: Behaves the same as selecting No.
Delimited: Determines how each field is separated in the export file. This only affects the export file if the Fixed field is set to No. Select:
- CSV: Creates a comma separated value export file. Each field is separated by a comma and text fields have quotes on either side.
- None: No delimiters and no quotes are inserted into the export file, indicating the file will be exported as a fixed length format.
- Tab Delimited: Creates a tab delimited export file. Each field is separated by a tab and text fields have quotes on either side.
- Export/Import File Name: Default file name for the export.
- Export Quotes for CSV: This is not used for export formats. If you would like to export quotations around text data, set the the Delimited field to CSV.
- Click Save.
Configure Headers, Details and Controls Tabs
The Header, Detail and Control tabs are used to map the header and columns of your export file, and to add a control in the form of a header or footer. Although all of the below tabs are visible in the Add/Edit EFT Export Format window, they can only be altered and used according to the selections made in the general format configuration (see Add a new EFT/Check Export Format).
Each of these tabs is used as follows:
- File Header: It is only possible to add rows to this tab if Multiple has been selected in the Header field of the Export Format configuration. The File Header will add information to the first line of your export file.
- Batch Header: It is only possible to add lines to this tab if Yes or Multiple has been selected in the Header field of the Export Format configuration. If a File Header has been added, the Batch Header will show in the second line of your export file. If no information has been added in the File Header tab, the Batch Header will show as the first line of your export file.
- Details: The details tab should be filled out regardless of what had been chosen in the Header or Control fields of the Export Format configuration. The information configured in this tab will form the details included on each payment transaction line. For example, transaction date, bank account number, transaction amount and so on.
- Batch Control: It is only possible to add rows to this tab if Yes or Multiple have been selected in the Control Field of the Export Format configuration. The Batch Control location in the export report is based on the configuration of the EFT Control Location field in the Accounts Payable Configuration window:
- If Header is selected, the Batch Control will show as the first line of the export file, even when a File Header and/or Batch Header have been configured.
- If Trailer is selected, the Batch Control will show in the last line of the export file.
- File Control: It is only possible to add rows to this tab if Multiple has been selected in the Control Field of the Export Format configuration. The File Control location in the export report is based on the configuration of the EFT Control Location field in the Accounts Payable Configuration window:
- If Header is selected, the File Control will show in the first or second line of the export file, depending on if a Batch Control has been configured.
- If Trailer is selected, the File Control will show in the penultimate or last line of the export file, also depending on if a Batch Control has been configured.
Your next steps are determined by what has been selected in the Header field of the import format in step 2 of Add a new EFT/Check Export Format. If you have selected:
- Multiple: proceed to configure the File Header tab.
- Yes: proceed to configure the Batch Header tab.
- No: proceed to configure the Details tab.
This should only be configured if Multiple has been chosen in the Header field.
- In the File Header tab of the Edit EFT/Check Export window, click Add.
Enter the necessary information:
- Order: Determines the order the fields will display in the export file. Regardless of the value entered, it is reset in increments of 10 when saved.
- Column Label: select one of the following options.
- The database field label that contains the data to export.
- <Empty Field>: Select this to set a blank or zero filled field. End position is required for this column. See End Position below for more information.
- <Specify Constant>: Select this to set a specific value to show for every record. Type the text in the Value field. Common use of this is a value of "H" for Header.
- Fill Factor: Fill used for fixed length export files. If a value is less than the fixed length, this is what is used to fill the remaining required characters. This is also used to determine the format for date fields. If the Fixed field is set to Yes, this field must have a value. For most column label you can select:
- Blanks: A blank value is used for missing characters. Typically used for text fields.
- Left Fill Blanks: A blank value is used to fill missing digits to the left of the import value. Typically used for decimal values.
- Zeros: A zero value is used to fill missing digits to the left of the import value. Typically used for decimal values.
- Start Position: Determines the start position of a value if only part of a data's field needs to be exported. Use this if the result length is shorter than the actual length of the field.
- End Position: Determines the end position of a value if only part of a data's field needs to be exported. Use this if the result length is shorter than the actual length of the field.
- Show Decimal Point: If checked, the decimal point is included in the export file. Only available when exporting numeric fields.
- Number of Decimals: Number of place values after the decimal to include in the export value. Only available when exporting numeric fields.
- Click Save. Proceed to configure the Batch Header.
This should only be configured if Yes or Multiple has been chosen in the Header field. If No is selected in the Header field skip to configuring the Details tab.
- In the Batch Header tab of the Edit EFT/Check Export window, click Add.
Enter the necessary information:
- Order: Determines the order the fields will display in the export file. Regardless of the value entered, it is reset in increments of 10 when saved.
- Column Label: select one of the following options.
- The database field label that contains the data to export.
- <Empty Field>: Select this to set a blank or zero filled field. End position is required for this column. See End Position below for more information.
- <Specify Constant>: Select this to set a specific value to show for every record. Type the text in the Value field. Common use of this is a value of "H" for Header.
- Fill Factor: Filled used for fixed length export files. If a value is less than the fixed length, this is what is used to fill the remaining required characters. This is also used to determine the format for date fields. If the Fixed field is set to Yes, this field must have a value. For most column label you can select:
- Blanks: A blank value is used for missing characters. Typically used for text fields.
- Left Fill Blanks: A blank value is used to fill missing digits to the left of the import value. Typically used for decimal values.
- Zeros: A zero value is used to fill missing digits to the left of the import value. Typically used for decimal values.
- Start Position: Determines the start position of a value if only part of a data's field needs to be exported. Use this if the result length is shorter than the actual length of the field.
- End Position: Determines the end position of a value if only part of a data's field needs to be exported. Use this if the result length is shorter than the actual length of the field.
- Show Decimal Point: If checked, the decimal point is included in the export file. Only available when exporting numeric fields.
- Number of Decimals: Number of place values after the decimal to include in the export value. Only available when exporting numeric fields.
- Click Save. Proceed to configure the Details tab.
This is required for all EFT/Check Exports. To configure the fields in details section of the export:
- In the Details tab of the Edit EFT/Check Export window, click Add.
Enter the necessary information:
- Order: Determines the order the fields will display in the export file. Regardless of the value entered, it is reset in increments of 10 when saved.
- Column Label: select one of the following options.
- The database field label that contains the data to export.
- <Empty Field>: Select this to set a blank or zero filled field. End position is required for this column. See End Position below for more information.
- <Specify Constant>: Select this to set a specific value to show for every record. Type the text in the Value field. Common use of this is a value of "D" for Detail.
- Fill Factor: Fill used for fixed length export files. If a value is less than the fixed length, this is what is used to fill the remaining required characters. This is also used to determine the format for date fields. If the Fixed field is set to Yes, this field must have a value. For most column label you can select:
- Blanks: A blank value is used for missing characters. Typically used for text fields.
- Left Fill Blanks: A blank value is used to fill missing digits to the left of the import value. Typically used for decimal values.
- Zeros: A zero value is used to fill missing digits to the left of the import value. Typically used for decimal values.
- Start Position: Determines the start position of a value if only part of a data's field needs to be exported. Use this if the result length is shorter than the actual length of the field.
- End Position: Determines the end position of a value if only part of a data's field needs to be exported. Use this if the result length is shorter than the actual length of the field.
- Show Decimal Point: If checked, the decimal point is included in the export file. Only available when exporting numeric fields.
- Number of Decimals: Number of place values after the decimal to include in the export value. Only available when exporting numeric fields.
- Click Save.
Your next steps are determined by what has been selected in the Control field of the import format. If you selected:
- No: the Batch Control and File Control tabs will not be visible. You have now completed the set up for your Export Format. Click OK to save and close the window.
- Yes: proceed to configuring the Batch Control tab.
- Multiple: proceed to configuring the Batch Control tab.
This should only be configured if Yes or Multiple has been chosen in the Control field. If No is selected in the Header field, this tab will not be visible.
- In the Batch tab of the Edit EFT/Check Export window, click Add.
Enter the necessary information:
- Order: Determines the order the field will display in the export file. Regardless of the value entered, it is reset in increments of 10 when saved.
- Column Label: select one of the following options.
- The database field label that contains the data to export.
- <Empty Field>: Select this to set a blank or zero filled field. End position is required for this column. See End Position below for more information.
- <Specify Constant>: Select this to set a specific value to show for every record. Type the text in the Value field.
- Fill Factor: Fill used for fixed length export files. If a value is less than the fixed length, this is what is used to fill the remaining required characters. This is also used to determine the format for date fields. If the Fixed field is set to Yes, this field must have a value. For most column label you can select:
- Blanks: A blank value is used for missing characters. Typically used for text fields.
- Left Fill Blanks: A blank value is used to fill missing digits to the left of the import value. Typically used for decimal values.
- Zeros: A zero value is used to fill missing digits to the left of the import value. Typically used for decimal values.
- Start Position: Determines the start position of a value if only part of a data's field needs to be exported. Use this if the result length is shorter than the actual length of the field.
- End Position: Determines the end position of a value if only part of a data's field needs to be exported. Use this if the result length is shorter than the actual length of the field.
- Show Decimal Point: If checked, the decimal point is included in the export file. Only available when exporting numeric fields.
- Number of Decimals: Number of place values after the decimal to include in the export value. Only available when exporting numeric fields.
- Click Save.
Your next steps are determined by what has been selected in the Control field of the import format. If you selected:
- No or Yes: the File Control tab will not be visible. You have now completed the set up for your Export Format. Click OK to save and close the window.
- Multiple: configure the File Control tab.
This should only be configured if Multiple has been chosen in the Control field. If Yes or No is selected in the Header field, you have now completed the set up for your Export Format. Click OK to save and close the window.
- In the File Control tab of the Edit EFT/Check Export window, click Add.
Enter the necessary information:
- Order: Determines the order the field will display in the export file. Regardless of the value entered, it is reset in increments of 10 when saved.
- Column Label: select one of the following options.
- The database field label that contains the data to export.
- <Empty Field>: Select this to set a blank or zero filled field. End position is required for this column. See End Position below for more information.
- <Specify Constant>: Select this to set a specific value to show for every record. Type the text in the Value field.
- Fill Factor: Fill used for fixed length export files. If a value is less than the fixed length, this is what is used to fill the remaining required characters. This is also used to determine the format for date fields. If the Fixed field is set to Yes, this field must have a value. For most column label you can select:
- Blanks: A blank value is used for missing characters. Typically used for text fields.
- Left Fill Blanks: A blank value is used to fill missing digits to the left of the import value. Typically used for decimal values.
- Zeros: A zero value is used to fill missing digits to the left of the import value. Typically used for decimal values.
- Start Position: Determines the start position of a value if only part of a data's field needs to be exported. Use this if the result length is shorter than the actual length of the field.
- End Position: Determines the end position of a value if only part of a data's field needs to be exported. Use this if the result length is shorter than the actual length of the field.
- Show Decimal Point: If checked, the decimal point is included in the export file. Only available when exporting numeric fields.
- Number of Decimals: Number of place values after the decimal to include in the export value. Only available when exporting numeric fields.
- Click Save.
Copy an EFT/Check Export Format
If a new format is required and similar to an existing format, you can copy the existing format then make your changes.
To copy an existing format:
- Navigate to the EFT/Check Exports page and select the export format to copy.
- Right-click and select Copy. The Copy EFT Export Formats window opens.
- In the New Format Description field, enter the name for the new export format
- Click OK. The new export format is created. This can be altered as needed.
Edit an EFT/Check Export Format
EFT/Check Export formats can be viewed on the EFT/Check Exports page. By selecting Edit on an existing format you can view specific details. The general information about the format (in the top section) will determine the structure of the file. Note that activating Header and Control records will change the tabs available for the contents of the file format.
- Navigate to the EFT/Check Exports page and select the export format to edit.
- Right-click and select Edit.
- Make any changes, as needed. Refer to the Create a new EFT/Check Export Format section for more information about each field and tab.
- Once you have completed your changes, click OK. The changes are saved and the Edit window closes.
- Problems saving a format set to Fixed = Yes? Check each tab of the format to ensure the sum of the Result Length column is the same for each tab. Each part of the export format must be the same record length in total.
- Fixed length and CSV files are usually configured individually, but these can be combined if your bank requires a fixed length CSV file. This can been done by inserting text fields containing commas between each field. Connect with your primary Momentus contact if you require assistance with this format.
- Order: It is important to note the Order is automatic and will always display in increments of 10. To move a line, change the number in the Order field. For example, to move row 90 to in between 20 and 30, change "90" to "25" (or 21, 22, 23 or any number between 20 and 30). On save this will move the row and recalculate the order field values to increments of 10 again.
EFT/Check Export Security
There are several access privileges which determine if a user has access to process a payment, assign check numbers or export a batch. You can find these access privileges on the Access Privileges tab on the Accounts Payable Configuration window. Below are the access privileges that may affect your EFT/check export process.
Supplier Payments
Making supplier payments is controlled by the Payment Selection access privilege. Roles/users assigned to the privilege are allowed to select vouchers for payment and enter manual payments, wire transfers and drafts. Roles/users not assigned to the privilege are not able to select vouchers for payment. If no roles/users are assigned to the privilege, it is considered inactive and all users can select vouchers for payment.
Assignment of Checks/References
Assigning check and reference numbers to payments is controlled by the Assignment of Checks/References access privilege. Roles/users assigned to the privilege are allowed to assign check and reference numbers to payments. Roles/users not assigned to the privilege are not able to assign check and reference numbers to payments. If no roles/users are assigned to the privilege, it is considered inactive and all users can assign check or reference numbers to payments.
Allow Access To Export Batch
This access privilege controls the exporting of batches. Roles/users assigned to the privilege are able to export batches. Roles/users not assigned to the privilege are unable to export batches. If no roles/users are assigned to this option, it is considered inactive and all users can export batches.
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