You use access privileges to control the information roles/users can add, edit, delete or view. You use access privileges in conjunction with access management. Proceed cautiously before making changes to any access privileges as any changes may have an impact on other users in your system.
You can change credit card access privileges from either the Access Privileges screen on the Main Menu or from the Accounts Receivable Configuration screen on the Access Privileges tab.
Below is a list of available credit card access privileges.
Access to Credit Card Numbers
This access privilege controls who can view credit card numbers in order processing or accounts receivable. Any roles/users assigned to the privilege can view credit card numbers while any roles/users not assigned to the privilege can only view the first two and last four numbers of the credit card. Any roles/users not assigned cannot view full credit card numbers. If no roles/users are assigned to the privilege, then no roles/users can view credit card numbers. Roles/users also must have access to the Add/Change Payments security to view credit card numbers.
Allow Electronic Credit Card Authorization Override
This access privilege controls who can electronically authorize credit cards when configuration is activated. Any roles/users assigned to the privilege has a check box available on the Add Payment screen that allows users to choose whether or not to electronically authorize the credit card. Any roles/users not assigned to the privilege cannot choose whether or not to electronically authorize the credit card. If no roles/users are assigned to the privilege, then no roles/users can choose whether or not to electronically authorize the credit card.
Allow Electronic Credit Card Refunds
This access privilege controls who can process electronic credit card refunds. Any roles/users assigned to the privilege can process electronic credit card refunds, and any roles/users not assigned to privilege cannot perform electronic credit card refunds. If no roles/users are assigned to the privilege, then all roles/users can perform electronic credit card refunds.
Allow Electronic Credit Card Refunds Without Original Trans
This access privilege controls who can process electronic credit card refunds without an original transaction ID when using Cybersource as the authorization component. Any roles/users assigned to the privilege can process electronic refunds without the original transaction ID while any roles/users not assigned to the privilege cannot process electronic credit card refunds without an original transaction ID. If no roles/users are assigned to the privilege, then no roles/users can process electronic credit card refunds. This access privilege is only applicable if you use Cybersource as your authorization component.
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