You use the Content Builder to configure the pages and sections in your Web Lead Form web page.
- Click Web Lead Form Configurations from the Main Menu. The Web Lead Forms Configuration page opens.
- Select the web lead form you want to configure the content builder layout for.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Web Lead Form Configuration window opens.
- Click Add Layout next to the Content Builder Layout label. The Content Builder window opens.
- Click the plus (+) next to the General label under Pages. The Content Builder Layout Required Fields window opens.
- Enter a name for the page. This name displays as the link on the Edit Web Lead Form Configuration window.
- Click OK. The Page Settings window opens.
- Enter the name for the page into the Name field.
- Click OK. You return to the Content Builder window The available components display on the right side of the window: User Information, Company Information, File Upload, Custom Text, Preferences, Note Entry, and Event Opportunity Information.
- Drag and drop the desired component for the page from the Components section of the window to the Page section of the window. The Component Settings window or the Add Component widow opens, depending on the component selected.
- Enter a name for the component into the Name field.
- Click the Configure button to configure additional settings. See component information below (User Information, Company Information, File Upload, Custom Text and Preferences) for additional details.
- Click OK on the Component Settings window. You return to the Content Builder.
- Repeat steps 10 - 13 to add additional components to the page or click + Add New Page under the Pages section to add an additional web page.
- Click OK on the Content Builder window when your page configuration is complete.
User Information Component
You use the User Information Component to configure the fields which public-facing users complete about themselves such as first name, last name, address, email and title. To configure the User Information Component:
- From the Content Builder window, select the User Information component.
- Drag and drop the component into the desired location of the Page section. The Component Setting window opens.
- Enter the name of the component into the Name field (internal use only).
- Click Configure. The Add WLF Component Configuration window opens.
- Enter the necessary information:
- Heading - Text that displays as a header on the online page.
- Description - Internal name for the component.
- Summary - Text that displays under the header on the online page.
- Click Select next to the Select Account Lead Fields label to select the fields for the public-facing users to complete. The Select Content Configuration Fields window opens.
- Move the fields you want available from the Available pane to the Selected pane. To move fields you can:
- Use the green plus (+) sign next to the field to move each field individually.
- Select a field and use the single right arrow button to move the selected field.
- Select multiple fields using Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click and use the single right arrow to move the selected fields.
- Use the double right arrow to move all the fields displayed in the Available pane to the Selected pane.
- In the Selected pane, check the Required check box on any field to require the field before proceeding with the web lead form submission.
- Select a field and use the up and down arrows to change the order of the fields in the Selected pane.
- Click Save when complete. You return to the Add WLF Component Configuration window.
- Click OK. You return to the Component Settings window.
- Click OK.
Company Information Component
You use the Company Information Component to configure the fields public-facing users completes about their company. For example, company name, address, website and phone number. To configure the Company Information Component:
- From the Content Builder window, select the Company Information component.
- Drag and drop the component into the desired location of the Page section. The Component Settings window opens.
- Enter the name of the component into the Name field (internal use only).
- Click Configure. The Add WLF Component Configuration window opens.
- Enter the necessary information:
- Heading - Text that displays as a header on the online page.
- Description - Internal name for the component.
- Summary - Text that displays under the header on the online page.
- Click Select next to the Select Account Lead Fields label to select the fields for the public-facing users to complete about their company. The Select Content Configuration Fields window opens.
- Move the fields you want available from the Available pane to the Selected pane. To move fields you can:
- Use the green plus (+) sign next to the field to move each field individually.
- Select a field and use the single right arrow button to move the selected field.
- Select multiple fields using Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click and use the single right arrow to move the selected fields.
- Use the double right arrow to move all the fields displayed in the Available pane to the Selected section.
- In the Selected pane, check the Required check box on any field to require the field before proceeding with the web lead form submission.
- Select a field and use the up and down arrows to change the order of the fields in the Selected pane.
- Click Save when complete. You return to the Add WLF Component Configuration window.
- Click OK. You return to the Component Settings window.
- Click OK.
File Upload Component
You use the File Upload Component to allow your public-facing users to upload documents. To configure the File Upload Component:
- From the Content Builder window, select the File Upload component.
- Drag and drop the component into the desired location of the Page section. The Add Component window opens.
- Enter the name of the component into the Name field (internal use only).
- Enter the necessary information:
- Description - Internal name for the component.
- Heading - Text that displays as a header on the online page.
- Summary - Text that displays under the header on the online page.
- Document Category - Document category to assign to the document when it is saved in the software. Also controls what file types are allowed in the upload.
- Document Sensitivity - Document sensitivity to assign to the document when it is saved in the software.
- Max Allowed Files - Total number of files the public-facing user can upload.
- Required - If checked, the public-facing user must upload a document to proceed.
- Click OK. You return to the Component Settings window.
- Click OK.
Custom Text Component
You use the Custom Text Component to display text to your public-facing users. To configure the Custom Text Component:
- From the Content Builder window, select the Custom Text component.
- Drag and drop the component into the desired location of the Page section. The Add Component window opens.
- Enter the name of the component into the Name field (internal use only).
- Enter the necessary information:
- Description - Internal name for the component.
- Heading - Text that displays as a header on the online page.
- Summary - Text that displays under the header on the online page.
- Text Type - Select to use plain text or HTML text. If you select HTML, you can use HTML in the text field to add styling elements and images.
- Enter the text into the text field.
- Click OK. You return to the Component Settings window.
- Click OK.
Preferences Component
You use the Preferences Component to manage the communication and data storage preferences for your customers. See Manage Communication & Data Storage Preferences for information about preference types. To configure the Preferences Component:
- From the Content Builder window, select the File Upload component.
- Drag and drop the component into the desired location of the Page section. The Component Settings window opens.
- Enter the name of the component into the Name field. For internal use only.
- Click OK. You configure the available preferences during the web lead form configuration.
Note Entry Component
You use the Note Entry Component to collect notes for the lead that has been added using the Web Lead Form application. The note will display in the Notes tab of the Account Lead record in Enterprise. To configure the Note Entry Component:
- From the Content Builder window, select the Note Entry component.
- Drag and drop the component into the desired location of the Page section. The Add Component window opens.
- Enter the name of the component into the Name field (internal use only).
- Enter the necessary information for the notes to be collected:
- Description - Internal name for the component configuration.
- Heading - Text that displays as a header on the online page.
- Summary - Text that displays under the header on the online page.
- Note Class - Class for the note. Use note classes to filter and display notes on windows and reports.
- Note Title - Title for the note. Defaults to the title for the selected class.
- Note Sensitivity - Sensitivity assigned to the note. Sensitivity controls the notes certain users can see and which notes display on reports.
- Maximum Allowed Characters - The maximum number of characters allowed in the user's response.
- Required checkbox - If checked, this note field will be required before the end user can submit the Web Lead Form.
- Click OK. You return to the Component Settings window.
- Click OK.
Event Opportunity Information Component
You use the Event Opportunity Information Component to capture information about a lead's event opportunity, such as event description, preferred dates, event type, total attendance, and more. When a lead is converted to an account and/or contact, an event opportunity will be created if the necessary event opportunity fields are filled out on the lead. To configure the Event Opportunity Information Component:
- From the Content Builder window, select the Event Opportunity Information component.
- Drag and drop the component into the desired location of the Page section. The Component Settings window opens.
- Enter the name of the component into the Name field (internal use only).
- Click Configure. The Add WLF Component Configuration window opens.
- Enter the necessary information for the notes to be collected:
- Heading - Text that displays as a header on the online page.
- Description - Internal name for the component configuration.
- Summary - Text that displays under the header on the online page.
- Click Select next to the Select Account Lead Fields label to select the fields for the public-facing users to complete. The Select Content Configuration Fields window opens.
- Move the fields you want available from the Available pane to the Selected pane. To move fields you can:
- Use the green plus (+) sign next to the field to move each field individually.
- Select a field and use the single right arrow button to move the selected field.
- Select multiple fields using Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click and use the single right arrow to move the selected fields.
- Use the double right arrow to move all the fields displayed in the Available pane to the Selected pane.
- In the Selected pane, check the Required check box on any field to require the field before proceeding with the web lead form submission.
- Select a field and use the up and down arrows to change the order of the fields in the Selected pane.
- Click Save when complete. You return to the Add WLF Component Configuration window.
- Click OK. You return to the Component Settings window.
- Click OK.
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