
Embed Anonymous Payment Portal Links into Email Templates



  • Jerry

    Just wondered if possible to add links for the E-Payment configurations to Crystal reports as well?  Managed to get the link working through preview and embedded in an email template, but we want to have the E-Payment link to be available on the remittance advice section of the invoice report!

    I've tried using the link generated from the preview function and update the invoice number to @Invoice in Crystal Reports, but that doesn't work.

    Is this possible? And anything I may have missed?

  • Irene Tjandrasa

    Hi Jerry,

    Please contact your csm to discuss the configuration and maybe work with tech solution too.




  • Jerry

    Thanks @...

    Happy to contact CSM if I can get confirmation this is possible?  If it's not then I'd be pushing to have available as we used to be able to embed anonymous links for the Payment Portal on Crystal Reports.

    Can you confirm if it's possible to add links for the E-Payment configurations to Crystal reports?



  • Jerry

    Just wondered if any response to the above?

    Is it possible to embed anonymous links for the Payment Portal on Crystal Report?  Or is it now only supported to have the anonymous link available on the email template?

  • Al Persohn

    I am a bit dismayed to see that such a good and useful feature has been removed. Unless there is some AR setting that needs to be changed.


  • Kelly Potter

    Hi Jerry!

    I've been informed that it is possible to include the E-Payment link or the anon payment portal link on crystal reports. I don't know the details, but it's definitely worth having the conversation.



  • Jerry

    Hi there - we left this one on the back burner for a while as there were a few issues with v2 payment portal.  But I believe these have all been sorted now so keen to pick this back up.

    Has anyone worked this one out yet?  If not, is there any chance we can get some guidance on this forum as to how to we can include the anonymous payment portal link (for v2) on crystal reports as per Kelly's comment above?  This was existing functionality that worked for the old legacy payment portal as well as  v1. 



  • Linda Moyer

    Hi Jerry! I apologize for the delay in replying - I was checking with the product and development teams to confirm I had the correct information.

    Anonymous payment portal links are fully supported in emails in v2, which in our research is how most clients send them. They are not supported at this time in the report itself. The product team asked if you would please add your user story to the Product Ideas forum to help them understand your workflow and why the link in the report is critical.

    Thanks so much,


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