The Calendar of Bookings screen shows a monthly view of all Events with bookings that is similar to the Outlook Calendar layout.
To open the Calendar of Bookings, click the Calendar of Bookings link from the Main Menu. The Calendar of Bookings opens to the current month by default. You can:
- Use the single left and right arrows to move the calendar back and forward by month.
- Click the Today button to set the calendar back to the current month and select the current day in the calendar.
- Click the month to open a date picker to select a date to move the calendar to.
You can select a booking from the Calendar and right-click to access several available options such as editing the booking, editing the event, moving the event, etc.
To add a new event, right-click on a calendar day and select Add Event or Add Event from Profile. The selected date defaults into the Start and End dates for the event.
An asterisk on a calendar day indicates there is a calendar note on that date. If you hover over the asterisk, a tooltip appears with the calendar note.
Select Spaces for the Calendar of Bookings
You can limit which bookings show using Select Spaces. If no spaces are selected, the calendar displays all spaces.
- Click the Calendar of Bookings link from the Main Menu. The Calendar of Bookings opens.
- Click the Select Spaces button. The Select Spaces screen opens.
- Select the spaces(s) from the Available section of the screen. Use Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click to select multiple spaces.
- Click the single right arrow button to move the selected space(s) to the Selected section of the screen.
- Click OK. The Calendar of Bookings displays bookings for the selected space(s).
Filter the Calendar of Bookings
You can use filters to create views for specific purposes. For example, seeing bookings within a specific time frame or booking for events with certain event types. To filter the Calendar of Bookings:
- Click the Calendar of Bookings link from the Main Menu. The Calendar of Bookings opens.
- Click the Filters button. The Calendar of Bookings Filters screen opens.
- The following filters are available:
- Event Status – Displays bookings on events with statuses matching the selected value(s).
- Event Category – Displays bookings on events with categories matching the selected value(s).
- Event Class - Displays bookings on events with classes matching the selected value(s).
- Event Type - Displays bookings on events with types matching the selected value(s).
- Event Account – Displays bookings on events with the selected event account.
- Event Salesperson – Displays bookings on events with a salesperson matching the selected values(s).
- Event Coordinator 1-4 – Displays bookings on events with a coordinator matching the selected value(s).
- Jobs section:
- Show Jobs - If checked, the calendar shows bookings for jobs.
- Job Status - Displays bookings on jobs with statuses matching the selected value(s).
- Job Category - Displays bookings on jobs with categories matching the selected value(s).
- Job Class - Displays bookings on jobs with classes matching the selected value(s).
- Job Type - Displays bookings on jobs with types matching the selected value(s).
- Only Show Public Jobs - If checked, only jobs with the Public check box checked display on the calendar.
- Click OK. The Calendar of Bookings displays information based on the selected filters.
Configure Display Options for the Calendar of Bookings
You can configure the Calendar of Bookings to display various information based on your needs. To configure the information displayed on the Calendar of Bookings:
- Click the Calendar of Bookings link from the Main Menu. The Calendar of Bookings opens.
- Click the Configuration button. The Calendar of Bookings Configuration screen opens.
- Select the desired configuration settings:
- Display Color Using – Color to display for a booking.
- Booking Status - Booking status color for the booking displays.
- Event Status – Event status color for the event for the booking displays.
- Event Type – Event type color for the event for the booking displays.
- Display Bookings Using - Date and end times to use for showing the booking.
- Booking Lead and Strike Dates and Times - Lead and strike dates and times for the booking are used to display the booking.
- Booking Start and End Dates and Times - Booking dates and times for the booking are used to display the booking.
- Positioning On – Default Month/Year for the Calendar of Bookings.
- Current Month – Defaults the Month/Year to the current month and year.
- Next Month - Defaults the Month/Year to the next month and current year.
- Use Saved Date – Month/Year defaults to the month and year saved in the view used on the screen.
- Months to show - Number of months to show at one time in the Calendar of Bookings.
- Display Color Using – Color to display for a booking.
- Click OK.
Configure the Display Information for the Calendar of Bookings
You can configure the Calendar of Bookings to display information for a booking based on your needs. To configure the information displayed for a booking on the Calendar of Bookings:
- Click the Calendar of Bookings link from the Main Menu. The Calendar of Bookings opens.
- Click the Customize Lines button. The Customize Lines screen opens. You can customize up to 4 lines of information. If no fields or text are selected for a line, the line does not display on the calendar.
- Select the information to display for the first line from the Fields & Text drop-down.
- Click the green plus sign to add an additional field or to add static text.
- Click the X to the right of the field to remove the field from the line.
- Select the Font type and size from the Font drop-down.
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each booking line you want to configure.
- Change the order of the display lines by clicking the squares on the left of the screen and dragging and dropping to the desired order. View a preview of the display at the bottom of the screen.
- Click OK.
Export the Calendar of Bookings
You can export the Calendar of Bookings by clicking one of the below buttons on the Calendar of Bookings screen:
- PDF - Opens the Export To PDF screen where you can enter the Heading (defaults to Calendar of Bookings) and Subheading (defaults to the selected month and year and is a range if there are multiple months) for the export file and the orientation for the export (Portrait or Landscape). Exports to a PDF file.
- Export To Excel - Opens the Export to Excel screen where you can enter the File Name (defaults to Calendar of Bookings) and Heading (defaults to Calendar of Bookings). Check the Split Months check box separate each month onto its own worksheet. Exports to a .xlsx file.
- Send Email - Opens the Send Email screen with a PDF of the Calendar of Bookings as an attachment.
Calendar of Bookings Tools
The following additional options are available from the Calendar of Bookings screen:
- Availability Search - Opens the Availability Search screen to find available spaces. See Availability Search.
- Legend - Opens the Legend screen where you can view the colors that are available for display on the calendar and what each color represents. You can view the colors for booking status, status groups, type and usage.
Change the First Day of the Week in the Calendar of Bookings
The first day of the week that displays on the Calendar of Bookings is controlled by your organization settings:
- Click the Organizations link from the Main Menu. The Organizations screen opens.
- Select the organization to update the start day of work week.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Organization screen opens.
- Select the Details tab.
- Select the day for the first day of the week from the Start Day of Work Week drop-down. For example, if you select Monday, the week displays on the Calendar of Bookings as Monday - Sunday.
- Click OK.
- Sign out and back into the software. The Calendar of Booking display updates.
It would be nice if the filters allowed filtering by booking status as an option.
Hi Michelle!
The reason that the booking status is not a filter on the Calendar of Bookings (events) is because an event can have several bookings each with different statuses. We recommend using the Booking Calendar, which shows spaces. From there you can filter down to the space booking statuses.
Our technical production team like something that looks like outlook and the Calendar of Booking is what they like. Some of the other calendars have options to filter on both event status and functions we know its possible just not in this calendar view.
There is also extra configure needed to lock down the ability to book from the booking Calendar from other teams other than sales.
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