
Event Statuses



  • Jonathan Serret

    How do I change the default Event Status?

  • Ken Treadway

    The value for the Default Event Status is controlled through System Parameter BK 040 (Default Event Booking Status).  The code here will match the code/weight on the Event, Job, and Function Status Master.  This status may be affected, however, by the use of Cascading (Waitlist) Booking settings if this feature is enabled.

  • Jason Allen

    "The Code (or weight) of the status does have further impact" ... what/where are these impacts?

  • Ken Treadway

    There are three key impacts of the status codes, and one that can be impacted in conjunction with the use of another module.

    1.  If you are using Cascading Bookings (also known as Waitlisting), all of your waitlist statuses must be of a status 29 or below.  These statuses should be sequential, and are usually somewhere within the 21-29 range.

    1. Codes with a weight of 30-79 are generally considered "Firm" statuses.  The first time an event is moved to a status of 30 or higher, the "Decision Date" field on the Edit Event window gets stamped with the current date to show when it first became firm.

    2. Codes with a weight of 80 or higher are considered the Cancelled/Lost/Archived statuses, and are used in conjunction with some form of canceling the event.

    3. For customers using Contracts, there is also the ability to link the Event Status and Contract Status if desired.

  • Michael Noyce

    If you are using waitlisting and want your default status to be lower than the waitlist you can disable BK 093 to stop the system changing booking statuses automatically. It will then take into context what you have entered in BK 040 and use that as the default again.

    Hope that helps some people

  • Permanently deleted user

    I've tried setting BK093 to 'N' but the default status is still coming as the top most value of the waitlist range - despite the System Parameter being set to a code below the range! Am I missing any other configuration steps?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Jerry,

    I did a quick test of this in version 20.8 and the defaulting is working as expected. I used the same parameters that you describe above.

    Other than signing out and back into the application (if using v19) or closing the Booking Calendar and Add Event screen and reopening those (if using v20), it doesn't appear to be anything obvious in your configuration.

    If you have done the above and the defaulting is still not working correctly, please contact our Client Care Team and they will be able to take a closer look at your particular configuration and help get it sorted out for you.


  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Maggie
    Thanks for the response - I've tried what you suggested and still from the Booking Calendar I'm getting the default status from the Waitlist. From Add event I get the status from the BK040 parameter!
    I'll follow up with Support

  • Permanently deleted user

    There's one option on the status configuration not included above - and I can't find anywhere else in the KB, and that is Assignable by Marketing!

    Can you explain what this does and how it can be used?

    Thank you

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Jerry,

    This is used in the Meetings area of the software in v19.  If it is checked, then on the Add/Edit Meetings screen, the status will display in bold text. 


  • Jodi Webb

    Hey Jerry

    Hope you are well.

    Did you hear back from Client Support at all about the default status from Waitlist?  I am experiencing this at the moment with setting up a new status. When I try to book from the calendar it defaults to the top waitlist option and not the default I have set. But booking from the Events page is putting the correct status in.

    I've logged a call with Support, but was wondering if you had managed to fix this.



  • Wendy Thompson

    When booking from the Calendar, we know the space, dates and times and can tell if there will be conflicts or not, so we default to the highest available status when waitlist is enabled. 

    When using Add Event, we don't have that information to start with, so we use the default from the parameter.

  • Frédéric Clément


    I want to decrease the status of a confirmed event (from Confirmed to 1st option). Is it possible? I have an error message mentionning it is not possible because the event is confirmed. Can I change this parameter? If yes, where?

    Thank you for your valuable help.


  • Ken Treadway

    Fred, in order to expedite a solution to this issue, I have asked our EMEA Support team to contact you on Friday 3 June.  There are some configuration options that I want them to review, as well as actually seeing the full message that is displaying to identify other possible solutions.

  • Joel Frédéric Rogol

    Hi Fred,

    The problem was caused by the locked status of your bookings. In the booking configuration you have the ability to set a lock status.

    Once a booking reached the status you won´t be able change the event status to a lower status.

    Kind Regards,


  • Alex Calderhead

    How do I retire an event status?

  • Wendy Thompson

    We don't have an actual Retire option on Status, but if you remove the Scope (set it to blank), the Status will no longer be available for selection.



  • Megan Eve

    I am trying to delete a status for events/jobs/bookings link and the one I'm trying to delete will not let me because it is being used. I looked in the events, jobs, and bookings and none of them have the status I am trying to delete. Can anyone help me out on this? thanks!

  • Wendy Thompson

    Hi Megan,

    The Event/Job/Booking Statuses can also be used for Functions.  If you have the Event or Job Scope on the Status set to Both (or ever had it set that way), you would need to check for Function Status also.



  • Megan Eve

    Thank you, Wendy but that status isn't used for any of the functions either. 

  • Wendy Thompson

    Have you ever used the Remove Events/Archive process on any events?  They retain the original status on Functions but don't display in the main list windows.  You might need to check the Cancelled and Archived Events page if you haven't already.

    You might need to run a SQL query to find out exactly where it is used.  Client Care might be able to assist you with that if you don't have someone who can do it.



  • Julia Snell

    Hi there,

    I've created a new status called Postponed but for some reason when applied to an event, the event disappears off the calendar, even when I have added the Postponed status to the Advanced options for the calendar.

    I have a feeling I haven't set something, but I'm not sure what. 

  • Wendy Thompson

    Hi Julia,

    Can you provide screen shots of how you configured the new Status, please?

    Thank you,


  • Julia Snell

    Hi Wendy,


    Many thanks for replying so quickly. This is what the status looks like. I wondered if the code number was too low and tried creating another status in Test with a higher code within the Firm Status level, but still no joy in getting it to appear on the calendar

    Many thanks,


  • Wendy Thompson

    Thanks, that looks fine to me. 

    Any other filters on the Calendar that might prevent it from being displayed? 

    Are the Bookings at the same new Status?  Or did you set those to Cancelled?  If you're on the Booking Calendar and the Bookings are cancelled, they might not show if you don't have that Status included, or if you have Organization Parameter EM 850 set to No.


  • Kenny Lai

    Hi, I just found one of the event status " Cancelled " (code 80) disappear from the pull down bar of the Status field in the booking. However, it could be shown in the event function field.

    We were using it before and it suddenly disappear from the pull down menu.
    May I know how to show it again?

  • Wendy Thompson

    Hi Kenny,

    It looks to me like you are looking at the Event Status drop-down, not the Booking Status.  For the Event, you must use the Cancel Event process from the menu at the top of the window, not just change the Status.



  • Gavin Gilmartin

    I have Meeting status' that I don't want to display on the Edit Event window as a status. Can these be hidden? I have the field 'allow as meeting' ticked only for my meeting status' but they appear on the edit event window.


  • Wendy Thompson

    Hi Gavin.  Try removing the value from the Event Scope field, or changing it to Function if you still want to use it for functions.



  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Hi Wendy, 


    Thank you for your quick response. Unfortunately doing either of those also removes it as a meeting status. 

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