New accounts and contacts can be imported into Momentus Enterprise using a CSV, XLSX or XML file. You can also use the same method to update accounts and contacts.
When you import accounts/contacts, you proceed through the following steps:
- Create the Import Record
- Define Import Define Import Default Values
- Define Column Mappings
- Process Import
- View Imported Record Detail
- Process Records and Convert
Before importing your accounts and contacts, you need to configure your duplicate checking. You only need to do this one time but it is good practice to review it on occasion. Refer to Account and Contact Import Tips for the import file guidelines.
Create the Import Record
- Navigate to the Import Accounts and Contacts page for the applicable module (Event Sales, Membership, Registration).
- Click Add. The Add Import Accounts and Contacts page opens.
- Enter the necessary information:
- ID: Defaults to *AUTO. Do not change.
- Locked: If checked, the import is locked to editing by anyone but the owner.
- File Format: Select from the dropdown the format of the file being imported.
- File Name: Click Choose Files to select the import file which contains the accounts/contacts.
- Template: If checked, the import format is available for selection on the Select Import Template window.
- Description: Name for the import.
- Owner: Defaults to the user setting up the import. Used with the Locked check box.
- First Row Column Names Flag: If checked, the first row in the import file contains the column names and not an import record.
- Click OK.
- Proceed to the next section.
Step One: Define Import Default Values
The Define Import Default Values step allows you to configure the information that is assigned to the imported accounts/contacts.
- At the top of the Add Import Accounts and Contacts page, click Tools.
- Select Step One: Define Import Default Values. The Define Import Default Values window opens.
- Enter the necessary information:
- Account Defaults Section: Information to assign to the imported accounts.
- Account Status Section: Account status for the account in each designation.
- Contact Defaults Section: Information to assign to the imported contacts.
- Contact Relationship Designations Section: Relationship status between a contact and the contact's account in each designation.
- Processing Options Section:
- Flag Individual Accounts as Internet Logon: If checked, the Internet Logon check box is checked for the imported individual accounts/contacts.
- Auto-Assign Code: If checked, Enterprise assigns automatically generated account codes to the imported accounts/contacts
- Import Record As: If an account name and last name are both defined in the import file for a record, import the record as:
- Individual Account And Organization Name: Only one account is added to Enterprise. The Company/Organization is filled in as a text field and no new account is created for the organization.
- Account and Contact Record: An account is created with a contact relationship to the individual. This can create an account and a contact at once if both the First and Last Name fields and the Account Name/Company Name/Organization fields are filled in in the import file.
- Opportunity Defaults Section: You can assign an opportunity type and enter the information into the user defined fields on the import file. If the opportunity type exists on the account/contact in Enterprise, any information is updated.
- Opportunity Type: Import Opportunity - Opportunity to assign to the imported accounts/contacts. Once you select the opportunity type, the applicable fields become available in the User Defined Fields section.
- Membership Section: Membership information to assign to the imported accounts.
- Additional Information Section:
- Products and Services Section: Products and services to assign to the imported accounts/contacts. If the account/contact already exists, it is updated to include any newly added products and services; no products and services are removed. You can assign up to 15 products and services.
- Click Select. The Select Account Products and Services window opens.
- Select the products and services to assign to the accounts/contacts. Use Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click to select multiple products and services.
- Click Select. You return to the Products and Services section with the selected products and services displayed.
- In Assign To dropdown, select the product/service to assign the products and services to, either the Account, Contact or Both.
- Affiliations Section: Affiliations to assign to the imported accounts/contacts. If the account/contact already exists, it is updated to include any newly added affiliations; no affiliations are removed. You can assign up to 15 affiliations.
- Click Select. The Select Affiliations window opens.
- Select the affiliations to assign to the accounts/contacts. Use Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click to select multiple products and services.
- Click Select. Your return to the Affiliations section with the selected affiliations displayed.
- In Assign To dropdown, select to assign the affiliations to either Account, Contact or Both.
- Products and Services Section: Products and services to assign to the imported accounts/contacts. If the account/contact already exists, it is updated to include any newly added products and services; no products and services are removed. You can assign up to 15 products and services.
- Click OK. You return to the Edit Import window.
Step Two: Define Column Mappings
Use the Define Column Mappings step to match the columns of information in your import file to the correct Enterprise fields.
- At the top of the Edit Import Accounts and Contacts page, click Tools.
- Select Step Two: Define Column Mappings. The File Import Column Mappings window opens.
- Enter the necessary information:
- First Row Column Names Flag: If checked, the first row in the import file contains the column names and not an import record.
- File Format: Default to the file type of the uploaded import file. If Other is selected, select the delimiter from the Text Qualifier drop-down.
- Text Qualifier: Value to indicate the beginning and end of the text strings in the import file.
- Expand the Column Mappings section.
- For each column, select the Enterprise field from the Column Label drop-down. Select Omit if you do not want to include the column in the import. If the columns in a CSV import file have the same names as the Enterprise field name and if the First Row Column Names Flag check box is checked, the system automatically assigns the columns.
- Click OK. You return to the Edit Import window.
Step Three: Process Import
You import the file into Enterprise in the Process Import step. Although this imports the detail into the import tool, it does not update any records until you process the records in step five.
- At the top of the Edit Import Accounts and Contacts page, click Tools.
- Select Step Three: Process Import. You receive a message that the import process has started.
- Click OK. You return to the Edit Import Screen.
Step Four: View Imported Record Detail
You can review the imported information before it is added to the Enterprise database to ensure the data is correct and all columns are correctly mapped.
- At the top of the Edit Import Accounts and Contacts page, click Tools.
- Select Step Four: View Imported Record Detail. The Import Details window opens.
- Review the imported records. To not import a record, check the Import Hold Flag check box and click Save.
- After the review is complete, click the X in the upper right corner to close the window.
Step Five: Process Records and Convert
When you are ready to bring the imported accounts/contacts into Enterprise, you can use the Process Records and Convert step.
- At the top of the Edit Import Accounts and Contacts page, click Tools.
- Select Step Five: Process Records and Convert. The Map Imported Values window opens.
- If there are any records which need values selected, they display in the Map Imported Columns section. Make any necessary updates.
- Click OK. The Process - Check for Duplicates window opens.
- Check the Check for Duplicates check box. Enterprise will compare the existing accounts/contacts to the accounts/contacts you are importing to potentially merge and/or update the existing account/contact information rather than create a brand new account/contact record. If left unchecked, Enterprise does not check for duplicate accounts. See Configure Duplicate Checking for details on how the duplicate checking is performed.
If you are importing a large amount of data to update details instead of importing new records, Momentus recommends not marking the import to do a duplicate check. Instead check the records after the import for duplicates, and do a merge. See The Account Merge Process for more information.
- Click OK. If the Check for Duplicates check box was unchecked in step 5 or if the Check for Duplicates check box was checked in step 5 but no duplicates are found in the import, the import process begins.
- If the Check for Duplicates check box was checked in step 5 and duplicates are found, the Import Duplicate Checking screen opens comparing the two accounts/contacts to each other. You can select one of the following options for duplicates:
- If the account is a duplicate, click Update to update the existing account in Enterprise with the information from the import file. You must select the record to update from the Select Account drop-down.
- If the account is not a duplicate, click Add to add the imported account/contact as a new account/contact.
- If you are unsure of if the account/contact is a duplicate, click Skip to proceed to the next potential duplicate account/contact. You can return to the account/contact later to determine if it is a duplicate.
- Continue the duplicate checking process until all duplicate accounts/contacts are reviewed.
Configure Duplicate Checking
The duplicate check is performed after step five of the import process if Check for Duplicates is checked.
- Navigate to the Configure Duplicate Checking page.
- Enter the necessary information:
- No Duplicate Checking: If unchecked, Enterprise checks for duplicates according to the configuration created. If checked, Enterprise does not check for duplicates. You can bypass this setting when processing the import. Momentus recommends keeping this unchecked.
- Omit Country for Communication Check: If checked, country code is not include in communication code duplicate checking.
- Rebuild Communication Codes: If checked, Enterprise checks the Communication Types for any changes to the Duplicate check box.
- Select the Organization Duplicate Checking tab and choose how you would like the system to check for duplicates:
- To check based on the account name as a whole:
- Check Check Account Name Instead of Each Word Separately. If this is checked, the option to select the characters for multiple words is removed.
- In the First character(s) of the account name field, add the number of characters on the account name you want checked for duplicates.
- To check against each word of the account name, enter the number of characters for each word in the First character(s) of the first/second/third/fourth/fifth word fields.
- To check based on the account name as a whole:
- Click OK.
The Import feature can also be used to update accounts/contacts. Is there an article with details of how this works? (I know there are some slightly different requirements; having the account code column in the import file for example).
Is there any intention to improve the duplicate checking to occur before importing the duplicate? Rather than importing it then merging it?
Is this feature currently only available in v19? Do we have an idea of when to expect it in v20?
Hi Lee,
We do not currently have a comprehensive article on updating accounts or contacts by using Imports functionality. However, it was the topic of an Ungerboeck Community Help discussion recently. You may find that content useful so I am including the URL below.
At present, the Imports utility remains exclusively a v19 feature. The time horizon for its v20 update is probably around 24 months.
There are enhancements the developers would like to include in the new version. While there is no guarantee of what will make it into the final release, some potential enhancements include additional matching rules and the ability to choose on a field-by-field basis what to keep from each record.
Thanks Sam, look forward to it. Had already seen James' post (he works with me)
Hi - I have a question about the duplicates - it says "if the account is a duplicate, click update to update the existing account with the new data". But what if the existing account has some useful information in it that the new record doesn't, such as a zip code in the old account? will the old account lose the zip code that was in there or will it override all fields that are on the file? For instance we might be just adding a new contact to that account but weren't aware it existed it previously and therefore don't want to override but don't want to have it be created as a new account. It would be good if we could merge fields from both? Thanks.
Eileen, at this time that's how the duplicate merging works - all of the information is replaced. If you'd like to see an option to pick and choose what information is merged, please submit an enhancement request.
Thank you!
Hello, based on this item below:
"If Duplicate Checking is performed, the system will search for duplicates comparing the existing accounts in Ungerboeck and the accounts you want to import"
Can someone please advise HOW the system searches for duplicates? By what criteria? Thank you.
Hello Eileen,
When adding new organization accounts, email + name and class are being checked.
When adding new individual accounts, first name + last name + postal code + company name and class + email are being checked.
Have a great day!
Kaitlyn Skubic
Ungerboeck Quality Analyst
Thanks for answering Kaitlyn.
Where do the settings under 'Configure Duplicate Checking' get used? I think this part of the system needs to be explained in a lot more detail.
Sorry, the earlier answer was the answer to a different question (what does v20 check over on Add Account/Contact). The Configure Duplicate Checking rules are used to identify duplicates in the import process.
I don't have Event CRM on my Main Menu. Is there another article for this subject? I believe I have to do it in v19.
Hi R.C.,
Within v20, Event CRM is a subject that is used to organize the Main Menu. Try searching by "import" instead. Depending on the modules that you have licensed, you will see one or more links to Import Accounts and Contacts (v19). Provided that you want to create event sales accounts, you would then choose the link that is showing under the subject of Event CRM. The screenshot below may make these instructions a bit clearer.
Currently, this utility still requires bridging to v19.
Is there a way to import a UDF as part of the import process? I have tried this in our test system but this has not come through correctly.
I selected the UDF under the Assign Column step as above but it had a (issue) next to the UDF name and didn't import with this info once completed.
Andrew, great question!
The answer was long enough that we created an article for it, which you can find here:
Please let me know if you have any other questions!
HI Carrie,
Great Article, unfortunately when I follow the instructions outlined rather than having UDF listed next to the name of the created UDF I have (issue). When the import is completed it does not import the information into the created UDF.
See screenshot above. Any suggestions?
Hi Andrew! Sorry this didn't work for you. As this might be more complicated than what we can easily solve in a Knowledge Base comment, I've talked to our consulting team and they requested you reach out to Cammie Dillick and schedule a call to get your problem resolved. I'm sorry I couldn't get you sorted out here!
Dear Center,
Now we enter into the 30.96 version, I found import section is no longer in V19 mode, is difficult for us to adjust to the new importing page in 30.96. Maybe this article already needs to update?
Hi Tripp Zhang,
You must be spying on me! I have been working on this article and am hoping to have it published this week. I'll post a comment when it's completed.
Hi Tripp Zhang!
This article has been updated to use the v30 steps. Thanks for your patience!
I'm trying to import contacts, but in the column mapping I only see the Organization user fields, not the Individual user fields. How do I tell the import that I'm importing individual records, not organizations?
Hi Amy,
Can you confirm what the Import Record As field on your step 1 Define Import Default Values window is set to? If it is set to Individual Account and Organization Name (A) the column mappings will pull in organization fields. If it is set to Account and Contact Record (C) it should be pulling in individual user fields.
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