
Lead Sources



  • Donna Esher

    This did not work. Upon clicking OK following editing, a red exclamation point appears with the message: Problem saving. We are unable to make changes. We also attempted to refresh. That did not work either. We need to correct two erroneous codes.

  • Carrie Spalding


    Thank you for letting us know. If you would, please enter a case for this issue, via helpdesk@ungerboeck.com, so that we may work quickly to correct it.

    Thank you,


  • Donna Esher

    Thank you Carrie. I will submit a ticket momentarily.

  • R.C. Chancy

    I have added Lead Sources but they don't show up in Accounts.  How can I add lead sources for Accounts?

  • R.C. Chancy

    I was able to add it by bridging to v19.  Is this now available in v20.8 or v20.82?  We are using v20.7.

  • Sean Tame

    Hi R.C

    I have them in v20 in 20.82F

  • R.C. Chancy

    Thank you.

  • Nina Dennison

    So, if this is for Bulk Leads, why isn't there an option to Import Account Leads??  I only see an option to import Accounts and Contacts. This cuts the "Leads" option out and in the Accounts we have less 'lead' details to choose from. 

    Is there a plan to create an Import for Leads? 

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