



  • Isa Badia


    it's posible to use one dahboard and in the same gadget has differents views for differents user?

    We need that in the view of work orders in the dashboard, each user only see his department work orders with his own criteria.



  • John Padgett

    Hi Isa,

    To answer your question, no it's not possible to have one dashboard that displays different views based on which user is logged in. The view is baked into the gadget, which is itself linked to its respective dashboard.

    The best way to go about it would be to create a base dashboard and create copies of it with the views modified on any relevant gadgets. If you set Access Type to "Users and Roles", you can then assign each copy to its respective user. This can all be accomplished on the Dashboards window from the Main Menu.

    If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to follow up.


  • Kris Corrigan


    Has 30.97D dropped the criteria view of the dashboard or this now controlled by an access privilege?



  • Mike Johnson

    In the Home Page redesign, we did drop the view criteria from the gadgets.

  • Kris Corrigan

    Thanks Mike, that's a shame it wold be good to have the option (as previous) to hided if needed.


  • Fionn Murray

    Hello. How do I add a formula field to a dashboard?

  • Sam Wilson

    Hi Fionn,

    Formula fields cannot be added directly to a Dashboard. Instead, the formula field(s) must first be configured in subject (e.g., events, orders, order items, etc.). Once a formula field is created, add it to any view that is visible on the dashboard. Or, create a new view and new view gadget in order to display the custom field(s).



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