
Store Credit Card Information



  • Steven Wittig

    Is the ability to issue a refund still available if this is set to "N" and credit card numbers are no longer stored?

  • Alex Hanson

    Refunds can still be processed within Ungerboeck by selecting the original transaction ID that was associated with the sale.  When the refund information is sent to the credit card processor, they will know which card to refund based on the original transaction id.

    When entering a refund in Ungerboeck, the original transaction drop-down will automatically appear in the Add Payment window after entering a negative amount.

  • Becky Slembarski

    If we make this change, can it apply to the CC transactions that were already processed? Or does it only apply moving forward? If it only applies moving forward, is there a way to manually go in and delete the stored CC number?

  • Alex Hanson

    If you use the "Clear Credit Card Information Utility" (available by searching on the main menu), it will delete the existing credit card information in the database and then update the organization parameter so that credit card information is no longer saved moving forward.

  • Pat Falkner

    In our test environment v19.8Lp26, I ran the "Clear Credit Card Information Utility".  When placing an order in the Test environment, the original transaction id isn't stored so when you try to refund that order (place a negative amount, select the credit card, etc.) the original trans field doesn't auto populate or have any value in the drop down therefore you get the "invalid tender" error.


  • Alex Hanson

    If the original transaction ID is not available, then the full credit card information is needed to process the refund. The refund would need to be entered as another stand-alone transaction, entering the credit card number, expiration date, CSV, and setting the amount to a negative number.

  • Mudit Dhebar

    Hi - what is the purpose of the amount field ? 


  • Sam Wilson

    Hello Mudit,

    The format of the credit card number masking is determined by the value entered into the Amount field:

    • Blank - First two and last four digits are visible. For example, 1234567890 is stored as 12xxxx7890.
    • 1 - Only the last four digits are visible. For example, 1234567890 is stored as xxxxxx7890.



  • Mudit Dhebar

    Thanks, Sam. 

    Kind Regards,

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