You can adjust the width of the time intervals that display on the Booking Calendar and Function Calendar by adjusting the calendar template used for calendar. To edit the calendar template:
- Click the Calendar Templates link from the Main Menu. The Calendar Templates screen opens.
- Select the template to edit.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Calendar Template screen opens.
- Expand the Calendar Template Group section.
- Select the group which needs the widths edited.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Calendar Template Group screen opens.
- Expand the Calendar Template Interval section.
- Select the interval which needs the widths edited.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Calendar Template Interval screen opens.
- Enter the desired width into the Width column.
- Click OK.
- To update the width on multiple intervals at one time:
- Select the desired width in the Calendar Template Interval section on the Edit Calendar Template Group screen.
- Right-click and select Apply Width to All. The widths for all intervals update to the selected width.
- Click OK. You return to the Edit Calendar Template screen.
- Click OK. You return to the Calendar Templates screen.
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