
Special Calendar Days (Holidays)



  • Carol Foley

    What access priveledge needs to be given to a user in order to allow them to see the master calendar on their menu?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Carol,

    There isn't an access privilege that controls if the Master Calendar is available on the menu or not. However, a user does need to have the Administration (System Administration) feature assigned to his/her role to have this available on the menu.


  • Ruta Mickeviciute

    With my admin role I can see it only in V19

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Ruta,

    Even without the v20 Master Calendar link, you can still set up the Master Calendar entries in v19 and have them display in v20.

    Because there are a few different areas to check regarding access in v20, I would encourage you to enter a case with your Client Care Team by going to supportcenter.ungerboeck.com and clicking Submit a Ticket. Someone can then review your configuration and help resolve the problem for you.


  • Carisa Norton

    How do you remove special days?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Carisa,

    From the Booking Calendar, right-click on the special day and select Edit Calendar Day. On the Edit Calendar Day screen, in the Special Day drop-down, remove the selection by selecting the first blank row in the drop-down. Click OK and the special day will be removed from the calendar.

    You can do the same thing from the Master Calendar screen by either selecting each day individually or you can use Edit Multiple and check the Holiday checkbox and select the blank row from the drop-down and click OK.


  • Carisa Norton

    Thanks Maggie,

    Tried these steps in v20 and was not able to drop down to "blank" special day. Kept getting an error message stating that a special day had to be chosen. I went through v19 and got it done. Thanks!

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Carisa,

    Glad you go it working. I'll look further into what you reported in v20.


  • Billy Wong

    How do I add multiple special days to one calendar day?

  • Viviane Neumann

    Dear Billy,
    It is not possible to add more than one Special day per day.
    There are two options:
    - Work with the “Notices” (they appear on a different level, but you can add as many as you wish) ; for more info, please refer to the article https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/articles/204565168-Configuring-Notices-for-Display-on-the-Booking-Calendar
    - Create a Special Day called ‘Special Day’ or generically ‘Bank Holiday’, and manually add the notes about what kind of Special days those are
    Hope this helps.

  • R.C. Chancy
    Is there an access privilege I can assign to a role to allow a user to use the "Edit Calendar Day" feature in order to input special calendar days (e.g., staff birthdays, etc.)
  • Viviane Neumann
    Hello R.C., Yes, there is an access privilege called 'Allow Calendar Day Modification' which will let you choose who can make changes. More details can be found on the Privilege description. Hope this helps.
  • Cris Ocampo

    Is there a way to only have special days viewable to some people and not others?

  • EMEA Ungerboeck Consulting

    Hello Chris, No - for now there is not.

  • Monica Broadman

    When adding a special day to the bookings calendar, the day of the week disappears. Is there a way to keep the day of the week there, and have the special day?

  • Carolynn Williston

    Hi Monica,

    At this time, that is not an option. I think that would make a great enhancement request if you would like to submit one. Just go to the Community tab of the support center, select the Product Ideas tab, and go to the Venues section to submit.



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