
Add Merchandise (t-shirts, cups, books) to Registration



  • Marilene Vasco

    Hi, Can you please let me know if we can add an image of an merchandise in the Registration configuration? We would like to add the image next to the item description, so the registrant can see what it looks like.
    Please advise.
    Thank you,

  • Holly Marchlewski

    You can add a note with a picture per item. The registrant would then be able to click the note icon and see the photo.

  • Marilene Vasco

    Thank you. It worked.

  • Andrew Johnson


    Is it possible to add an final date that people can order merchandise as part of their registration which is separate from the overall event registration end date?



  • Sean Tame

    v19 iEBMS Form Groups has extensive 'Availability' settings for individual forms.  Is this (or similar) not supported in v20?

  • Holly Marchlewski

    An option to close the sale of merchandise items,  would be to setup the merchandise items as separate function(s) and have those functions available for specific days and choose the option to not sow the function once the days have passed. 

    Thank you,


  • Holly Marchlewski

    Sean, we've updated the article with the ability to do this using functions and the do not show function once date passes option.


  • I'm struggling to get merchandise to show. I can't see the "Allow Merchandise" option on the "Define Registration Defaults" screen. Any pointers where I might be going wrong?

  • Holly Marchlewski

    The process has changed since this article was written.  Instead of enabling in the defaults it is now done from within the registration setup window.  Edit your layout on the registration setup window to turn on the merchandise section.    Layouts are attached to users so it will be enabled for all events associated with your user (user theme).

    I hope this helps.

    Holly Marchlewski

  • I have setup Merchandise on the Pricing tab of the Registration Setup but it doesn't appear on the registration page(s). Any bright ideas?

  • Holly Marchlewski

    Under the reg form setup, add to the function section dropdown choose add merchandise.  Fill in the details and be sure to click select and move the items you added to the selected side.  Save then try again and they should be there.



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