
Registration Waitlists



  • Jamie Miller

    Can registrants be added to the waitlist from the admin side in v20?

  • Sandra Bujnoch

    Registrants can be added to the waitlist by adding a registration order and selecting the item which is currently in waitlist status - no matter if from v20 backoffice or v20 online registration.

  • Becky Slembarski

    We have a max capacity set to 1, and a waitlist set to 5. I registered someone, and now it is already showing as "SOLD OUT", rather than "WAITLIST". This is for a function, not a Registrant Type. Can you help?

  • Sandra Bujnoch

    Becky: I have created a support ticket for you to find a solution to your query.


  • Lori Lee

    The problem we found with the waitlist feature is that the registrant still gets a confirmation email from the online registration and it appears to them like they are signed up for the event, when in reality they are only on the waitlist. Is there a solution to this? We are on V20.6. 

  • Lori Lee

    Is there a way to set a wait list to Registrant Types? 


  • Lori Lee

    So if openings become available in the Regular max capacity, how do you move the wait list items over to that?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Lori,

    On the Registrant Type, there is a Waitlist Capacity field that can be used to set up a waitlist for the registrant type.  If this field isn't displaying, on the Edit Event Registrant Type screen, there should be an Edit Layout link in the lower right hand corner (if it doesn't display, you may need to work with your system administrator as there are access privileges for the link).  Click on that link and on the Edit Layout screen, find the Waitlist Maximum Capacity field in the Available Columns and drag it over to the right side of the screen to where you would like it to display.  Once you enter a value into this field, then a waitlist will be used for the registrant type.

    If openings become available, go to the Registration Setup screen for the event and click on the Registrants tab.  There is a section called Registration Waitlist that displays the registrants that are on the waitlist.  Find the item(s) you need to fill from the waitlist, right click and select Auto Fill Available.  This will move the item off the waitlist and into the available spot.  If there are multiple events you need to do this for, you can also use the Main Menu option called Registration Waitlists and you can view the waitlisted items across events.

    Regarding the confirmation, in the default confirmation for v20.6, there should be a (WAITLIST) text that displays before the registrant type in the confirmation to signal to the attendee that they are on the waitlist.  If the confirmation has been customized, it is possible that it needs to be updated or changed to handle the case of waitlisted items.




  • Jim Pesek

    I too seem to have the SOLD OUT problem just like Becky S. comments above. Was this resolved with the ticket opened on her behalf?

  • Becky Slembarski

    I had to set the function capacity and waitlist capacity twice. Once on that main screen, and then once drilled down further in the price setup. It may be slightly different depending on which version you're on! Good luck!

  • Dustin Turner

    There are limitations with waitlist that are corrected in 20.8.  

    You have to set waitlist at the top level of the registration, and then again if you have a defined registrant, on that registrant.

    We had difficulty getting functions waitlist to work correctly in conjunction with registrants and/or the main registration waitlist.

  • Carrie Spalding

    Dustin, please submit a ticket for your issue.  



  • Himanshu Sheogaonkar


    We have successfully enabled the waitlist functionality for our portal.

    My question is if we change the  current sold capacity/increase the current sold capacity if we have more space, how do we ask the registrants to pay for the items they have been waitlisted? Will system automatically read the change if the spaces are available.

    Should we ask them to edit their order online or should we ask them to add a new order online? What is the best practice?

    We are on v20.8 L x55 and the payment configured is only Credit Card.

    Ideally, we would like delegates to go online and pay for their order which they were waitlisted to. Any thoughts here!!!!


  • Carrie Spalding

    Once registration capacities have been adjusted, it’s best practice to use the Fill Available feature from the Registration Waitlist window. Once registrants have been moved into the available slots, their orders will reflect the balance due for the newly assigned items. Then, the typical process is to send an email to those registrants notifying them of being moved off the waitlist. In that email, it’s customary to include either (A) a link to the original registration form where they can make a payment or (B) and link to the payment portal to also make a payment. Option A should be used if you’d like to give the option to update/edit their previous registration choices. Option B is to make a payment only.  

  • Himanshu Sheogaonkar

    Thanks Carrie for your help.

  • Leslie Sawyer

    Someone was cancelled in an event with a registration waitlist. The person on the waitlist was automatically changed to another level and taken off the waitilist. How do we get the order to show the amount of the charge? How do you move the registration to active?

    We can see the amount on the registrant tab but the order tab is still $0. How do we complete this process so the order is set-up with a cost and the payment can be applied?

    Is Fill Available the only option? If so, can you find it somewhere besides on the wailist.


    Thanks for you help


  • Carrie Spalding

    Hi Leslie,

    I spoke with Development about this, and was told you will need to refresh the Registration Orders grid to see the updated order after you manually move someone off the waitlist. 

    Automatically moving someone from the waitlist is a custom process so you will have to contact Technical Services if there are issues with it.

    Hope that helps!


  • Rob Bodart

    Enhancement request:  Force registrant types and functions into waitlist status, regardless of current registration count.

    Business Need:  We are offering travel programs that require a level of validation prior to approval.  I looked at the current "Registration Approval" functionality, but it does not operate how I would like (they show in registrant count regardless of approval level).  I do not want someone to show on the active roster or count against event capacity until approved.  My thought was to trick the system into waitlist status for registrant type and functions (set capacity to 1 and register a fake person), then up the capacity and auto-fill from waitlist when validated.  For now I think I will be creating separate (no fee) registrant type and functions, then change registrant types as they are validated.

  • Sara Loyst

    Came to this article looking for the same thing as Rob Bodart above. It would be great if there was a way to force a waitlist.

    For example, we have a public link and a staff link for our conference. We want staff to automatically go on a waitlist so we can approve them if we have space at the end. We cant put the capacity on the registrant type because the waitlist is only for some functions, but not all. Now I have to go into every function individually to set the capacity at 1, and the waitlist capascity,  for our staff reg type (under reg type dependent pricing), then create a fake registration that I register for every function so that it prompts the waitlist to start.

    If there is an easier solution for my scenario I would very much appreciate any feedback.



  • Maryann Heck

    We are using the waiting list functionality and recently noticed that 3 registration orders were changed from item status waiting list to open. I check the audit log and couldn't find any obvious activity. Do you have any ideas as to how this can happen and where I can look to find answers? Secondly, how can we change the 3 registration orders back to the item status waiting list?

  • Danilo Bernal

    Hi Maryann, could you check if the Automatic Waitlist is active? That could be the reason for this behavior. On reviewing your case, I think the best way is to either change tue quatity of the item and change it again back to the original quantity (this will recalculate the order/item)  or you can delete and readd the item. Hope this helps. There was an issue with the code that we already fixed.

  • Shilpa Ramesh

    Hi Danilo,

    how do you check if the automatic waitlist is active? Is there a separate place to tick/check?

    I don't think we are using this as we are manually using the "auto-fill available" feature to move the registrants from waitlist. The issue Maryann mentioned above was noticed all of a sudden although the waiting list was working as expected before.

    thanks for letting us know!

  • Danilo Bernal

    Hi Shilpa, that is an option within registration configuration. I think we already resolved this issue with a code change in a hotfix. 

  • Shilpa Ramesh

    Thanks for the information Danilo!We will upgrade to the latest hot fix!

  • David Pollock

    Is there a way to send an updated confirmation (with QR code) to those who are moved from waitlist to open?

    We are on V20.94H and do not have (or want to use) automatic waitlist and are using the [Ungerboeck Confirmation] with customised header and footer text and have included QR codes in the confirmation and email.


    • A registrant registers and is waitlisted. (they receive a confirmation and email with "(WAITLIST)" displayed and their QR code).
    • A space becomes available and we move them off the waitlist to an "Open" status.
    • We would like to send them an updated confirmation (same as above) without "(WAITLIST)" but with QR code.


  • Mike Schepker

    Hi David,

    It is not currently possible to re-send the same confirmation that is generated in public registration. There's only the option to generate the confirmation report and send it. 

    We do have an enhancement on the backlog that will allow you to choose different email confirmation templates based on waitlist promotion, editing orders, and cancelling orders. We are targeting this for the near future. 



  • David Pollock

    Hi Mike,

    So if I understand this correctly this brings up another question (and please correct me if I am wrong).

    If someone registers (waitlisted or not) and for some reason does not receive their confirmation email with their QR code.

    The only way for us to provide them with their QR code (so they can be checked in), is to navigate to their account, go to documents, find the appropriate copy of their confirmation email for that particular event and forward it to them again? And this would need to be done one at a time?

  • Mike Schepker

    Hi David, 

    That is correct. 



  • Christine Frank

    Hi guys, i want to monitor the waiting list in my Event, but there is no way how i can add it. I just can Access via the main menu.

    How do I display my waiting list (for registrants) in my Event.




  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Christine,

    You can see waitlisted registrants by going to the Registration Setup screen and going to the Registration Waitlist tab. This will show you all waitlisted registrants on the event. You can also go to the Registration Order Items tab on the event and show the Item Status column. The items with the Waitlist status correspond with the waitlisted registrants. 

    Hope this helps!


    Mike Schepker

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