
Registration Logon and Sign-In



  • Sean Tame

    I cannot find the v19 equivalent option for the Logon to be positioned before selection page or before the payment page.  Please advise.

  • Carrie Spalding

    Sean, per Product Management this is coming next year.


  • Sean Tame

    Can the v20 LOGON process also be used as a Standalone login?  We are looking for the ability to have customers login to confirm/update their details, add/update Products & Services, Affiliations etc.

  • Carrie Spalding

    Hi Sean.  The logon process is simply a process to authenticate users, and the purpose of a Standalone login is only for creating new accounts.



  • Sean Tame

    Thanks Carrie,

    So if I want to offer an on-line portal for customers to update their details and opt in/out of mailing lists, what do you recommend?


  • Carrie Spalding


    Membership is your best bet (per Product Management).


  • Sean, please keep us posted how you get on with this. We currently have iEBMS configured for "subscriber signup", "update my details/preferences", "password reset" and several other little bits

  • Pat Falkner

    In v20.9 L32, there is an option under Allow Sign-up called "Automatically select existing account".  I don't see it documented. What is this functionality? 

  • Carrie Spalding

    Hi Pat,

    When this parameter is turned on and a registrant attempts to sign up as a new account in public registration, the software will try to determine if there is already an existing account that matches the criteria (email and password). If an existing matching account is found, the software will not create a new account during the sign up process, but instead log in as that existing account.

    Hope that helps,


  • Jillian Anderson

    I'm trying to set this up so that people with existing accounts don't create additional ones. However, I don't see the "Automatically Select Existing Account" as an option in Edit Layout. What is the best configuration for preventing users from creating duplicate accounts?

  • Kim Boettcher

    Hi Jillian, 

    That field should still be available on the layout for logon configurations. To prevent users from creating duplicate accounts,  you can uncheck the field "Allow Account with Same Email", which will prevent a public user from signing up with an email that already exists in the system. The user will be required to enter a different email address in order to continue. For a more seamless experience, you can check the field "Automatically Select Existing Account", which will sign the user in as the account that uses the same email/password combination that was used to try to sign up.



  • Jillian Anderson

    Thanks, Kim.

  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    I'm trying to add a LOGON Configuration but get the error "This record no longer exists" (see screenshot). I have clicked on "Add" and also am able to edit the Code although both the Code and Description defaulted to an existing Logon Configuration.

    Is this a bug? Is there any other way how to use a Campaign to restrict Registration for an Event?

  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Elisabeth,

    That looks like a software issue. Please submit a ticket with our Customer Support team. How were you adding a new configuration? Were you going to the window from the Main Menu or were you getting to it another way? Have you tried refreshing the browser since this came up?



  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    I have a shortcut to "Sign-In (LOGON)" on my Dashboard, then clicked on "Add".

    I just tested it again opening it from the Main Menu and got the same error (but Description and Code was not pre-filled):

    I'll wait with submitting the ticket until next week once we have the .99B Version on PROD

  • Mike Schepker

    That message is actually slightly different. It's telling you that there is another Logon Config with that code in the system. Try changing the code slightly (for example, TESTEB) and saving. Let me know if that works. 



  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    Thanks, yes, this worked. But strangely I can't see any Configuration in the list with the Code "Test".

  • Mike Schepker

    I believe I was trying to recreate your issue at the same time you were trying to add a new configuration so you must have tried to add before my TEST one was deleted. Sorry for the confusion!



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