
Change the Color for an Organization



  • Shelby Dodge

    Is there a way to achieve this in 20.96?

  • Shelby Dodge

    Found it. For those on the hunt and need the long version. Be sure to check out the note below if you have multiple orgs:

    Main Menu > Organizations > Double Click on Org to open Edit Organization window* > Edit Layout > Insert EBMS Color Scheme and Background Color > Save Layout > Set Color Scheme to Custom & Select Background Color > Save & Refresh.

    *Note that if you have multiple organizations you may have this issue - When editing a specific Org it may pull up the wrong org. Ours comes up as Org 99 regardless of which org we select to edit. Go ahead and just add the needed fields to the layout and when ready adjust all of the necessary data to match the desired org. 

    e.g. When I pulled it up Org 50 to edit it showed everything for Org 99. I had to make all the adjustments and change the Code from 99 to 50 for it to populate in Org 50.

  • Maggie U.

    Thanks Shelby Dodge! I was just working to update the article as you posted. I made the changes so it's updated with the new steps.

  • Karen Palmer

    Thanks for the info, unfortuanately, I have followed these instructions to change the colour in V30 but the colour has still not changed.  I have logged in and out, but still no luck?  Any ideas?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Karen,

    Can you double-check and make sure you updated the Color Scheme field and not the EBMS Color Scheme field? I only ask because I myself have done this before!

    Although I'd expect a sign in and sign out to work, also try refreshing your browser just in case.


  • Karen Palmer

    Hi Maggie

    I have set up the system like this as suggested, logged out, refreshed my browser, etc and it is still the wrong colour.

    Can you see what I am doing wrong?

    Thanks for your help


  • Maggie U.

    HI Karen,

    Looking at this screen print, I would expect that you the color red since that is the color selected in the Color Scheme field. Is that what color you see? Note that the EBMS Color Scheme, Primary Text Color, Background Color and Secondary Text Color fields do not apply to v30. 

    If you don't see the color red, do you use more than one organization? Since the color scheme is an organizational setting, check to make sure you are in the right org and that you are updating the right org. 




  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Hi Karen, 


    Did you get this working? I have the same issue. 

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Gavin and Karen,

    I did some digging today and found that there was a problem with changing the color schemes that was fixed in .96C. Are you on a later version than this and still experiencing the problem?



  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Hi Maggie,

    We are using 30.96D and it is still an issue for us. Pieter seems to think it may be related to SSO.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Gavin - Thanks for the update. I am going to leave you in the good hands of our Client Care Team to look further into if SSO could be causing an issue.

    Karen Palmer - If you are a version later than .96C and are still having the problem, please enter a ticket with our Client Care Team so they can work with you on the details. You can reference this thread and also if you use SSO, mention that as well since it could be related.

    Thanks to both of you for trying to help track this down and apologies that we couldn't resolve it for you!

  • Isa Badia

    Hi, I changed color organization, but in the loggin screen stills appears the old color. It's posible to change this color in this screen?



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Isa,

    What is the old color on your login screen? It looks like the Sign In button is the only thing that uses the org color and that should update to your new org color. Is there another area of the sign in screen you expect to change color?


  • Isa Badia

    Hi Maggie,

    it has been solved. We changed the organization color, but in the login screen still appeared the old color. We had to change it in Edit Site Configuration menú also anf now it's ok.

    Thanks anyway.


  • Alee Orsillo


    Since the system had it's update, my dashboard color has changed. I'm running off version 23.1. I tried reading through the comments here, but I don't have multiple organizations. Are there other steps to achieve this?



  • Sam Wilson

    Hello Alee,

    Check the Color Scheme fields on either the Edit Site Configuration page or on the Organizations page. While you may not have multiple organizations in your database, there is still a single organization set up where this value may be configured. 



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