
Viewing User Sessions/Logged In Users



  • Ian Collins

    Any ideas when this will be moved to v20?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Ian,

    I talked with our Product Management Team and it is not currently on our 12-24 month roadmap.


  • Nancy Fullerton

    Is there any plan to prevent a user ID to login twice in v20? I know that a user cannot have 2 instances open at once in v19, but it appears that it is possible in v20. If so, is there a time frame on this?



  • Carrie Spalding


    In v20, we only count someone as a concurrent user based on unique login and machine.  This basically means they can log in as many times as the same user on the same machine and it only counts as one.


  • Nancy Fullerton

    Thanks Carrie,

    What happens if 2 people are using the same login on different computers at the same time? We have some generic accounts that are shared in a unit, and we think it might be causing some issues when working in registration campaigns.



  • Carrie Spalding

    There should be no problems saving if two users are logged in at the same time, using the same credentials.

  • R.C. Chancy

    Does the User Sessions display users logged in to both v19 and v20?

  • Carrie Spalding

    R.C. - 

    As of more recent patches of 20.7 and 20.8, yes it does.

    However, it does not show a user that bridged from v20 to v19 as this would end up double counting that user.



  • Shalen Sookdeo


    Is it possible to check when a user last logged in. I have Users that have left the company and i want to see when they last logged in ?



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Shalen,

    You can view when a user last logged in in the Audit Log.  If you are tracking Database Sign-Ins, then an entry is written into the audit log each time a user logs into the database.


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Shalen,

    I wanted to correct my comment - the database sign in information is automatically tracked in the Audit Log.  I updated the information in the above article to guide you on how to view this information.


  • In V20.82, I am trying to understand the a workstation ID which is not an actual workstation ID# but what appears to be a GUID?  Or is this the session ID?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Steven,

    It is the GUID - Global Unique Identifier.


  • Kieron Marshall

    Can I ask How accurate is the Audit log for Signins and Signouts in V20?

    We are checking it for a user, and finding a lack of activity for a specific user , and wish to check if this would be 100% accurate before we approach them. 

    Also if a user closes IE and doesnt "logout" does it detect its closed and timeout/logout (we have timeouts configured), or is it not recorded?


    Ive just figured out that if users tick "remember me" it doesnt always seem to record a login when they open ungerboeck, and if they close the browser, no logout is record...


  • Mark Fingerhut

    Kieron - I am gathering more information around your questions and will respond with details shortly. Thanks.

  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    Kieron - I was able to get some additional information from our Product Managers on this.

    The Audit Log tracking of sign ins and sign outs designed to be 100% accurate. Should you find any discrepancies, please notify client care.

    When someone closes the browser in v20, we do not register a log out.

    If the system crashes (hopefully rarely, if ever), we do not register a log out.

    There hasn't been extensive testing to check the effect of a time out on the log out tracking, so I can't provide more details on that at the moment.


  • Kara Noah

    If a user is signed in twice in different IE windows, does that use two licenses?

    I'm asking because most of our sales managers and event coordinators have been using two monitors for the past 5-6 years. They regularly have two Ungerboeck screens open at once - the Booking Calendar and an Account or Event, or the Function Schedule and the room diagram. This was always possible with previous versions, so it is a concern for people as they're transitioning to version 20.

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Kara,

    Carrie mentioned the answer to this earlier in the thread.

    In v20, we only count someone as a concurrent user based on unique login and machine.  This basically means they can log in as many times as the same user on the same machine and it only counts as one.


  • Julie Stead

    Hi, the above report shows all Users but with multiple entries per User e.g. today I'm already showing 22 entries just from logging on. Is there anyway of knowing how many Users are logged in at any one time without trawling through the multiple entries?


    Thanks, Julie

  • Hi Julie, look for the "User Sessions" screen. Hopefully it is available in your current version. This will just show current sessions (there may be a few dupes but it should be pretty accurate).

  • Julie Stead

    Thanks Lee, that works a treat!

  • Thomas Hohm (m:con-mannheim:congress GmbH)

    Call me stupid, but I have the following question:

    when I try to open the window for user sessions, I will be rejected with the message, that I have to be logged in as administrator to be able to open this window.

    How is "to be administrator" technically defined? In my user account the access level is "administrator" and up to now I never got a message like this on other windows. I also have only one role assigned to my account which has access level = administrator. 

    Are there any specific settings (e.g. actions) I have to setup on the user role?

    We are on 20.94C.

    Thanks for your help!


  • Sean Tame

    Hi Stupid! 🤣 (couldn't resist)

    AFAIK the only way to define an 'Administrator' is as you say - the Access Level on the User ID.  Hope you find a solution.

  • Hi Thomas, are you trying in v19 or v20? 

    v19 used to only allow USIADMIN to access, but in v20 I believe I can access as any "administrator".

  • Hi Sean, thanks  :-)

    Hi Lee,

    I used v20.94C

    Meantime we upgraded to 29.94D and now I can access this window.

    Problem solved!





  • Abhishek. Mathur

    Hi there


    Is there any way to check the timestamp of a view last accessed? 

    The idea behind this exercise is to audit those views which are not being used much or not at all



  • R.C. Chancy

    How can I stop receiving notifications for this?

  • Kieron Marshall

    Or the forum posts? up the top click unfollow.

  • John Padgett

    Hi Abi,


    Currently there is no way to check when a View has been used in the system. You can only view when it was created and when it was last updated.

  • Michelle Herson

    We want to find out when a specific user last logged in.  Is there anyway to search just one user?  If I search all of the log ins for just the last 30 days its over 22,500 (and it is our slow season).  So, if the user hasn't logged on in over 6 months it is going to take a log time to go through all of the data.

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