Dashboards can have Action Buttons which will open to a specific feature of Momentus Enterprise. These are set up within the gadgets on your dashboard.
The below steps assume you are using a configured dashboard, are adding a new gadget to the dashboard and you have the proper security to edit the dashboard. See Dashboards for more information about creating a new dashboard and dashboard security.
- From the Global Navigation Bar, click the Home button. Your Dashboard opens.
- Select the dashboard you want to edit from the page title along the the top of the page.
- Click the Edit icon from the navigation bar (top right on the page Title Bar). The Edit Dashboard page opens.
- Select the Gadget tab.
- Click Add in the column where you want to add the new gadget. The Add Gadget window opens.
- Description: Enter the description to show on the action button.
- Gadget Type: Select the Action Buttons radio button
- Click Select to see the selection of actions to add to the dashboard. The Select Action Buttons window opens.
- Click the green plus (+) sign to the left of the action button name in the Available section to move a single action to the Selected section.
- To move multiple actions to the Selected section use Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click to select the actions to show. Click the single right arrow button to move the chosen actions to the Selected section on the right. You can click the double right arrow button to move all actions to the Selected section.
- Use the arrows to the right of the Selected section to set the order the action buttons display on the dashboard.
- Click OK. This returns you to the Add Gadget window.
- Height: Enter the number of pixels for the height of the gadget to display on the dashboard. Most gadgets work best with a value of 300.
- Show in Mobile: Check this box if you want this dashboard to be available to view on Momentus Mobile. See Momentus Mobile for more information.
- Click OK. This returns you to the Edit Dashboard page.
- Click OK. The action button(s) displays on your dashboard.
Can you create a button to go to an area outside of EBMS i.e. your local network drives?
Hi Kris,
Now this custom action is available to select as a new button.
Thanks Sean thats how I thought it worked but I am getting an error message but I will keep trying
Is there a way to create hyperlinks instead of action buttons? The dashboard gets ugly quickly if populating with buttons and have no control of the order in which they appear.
Is there a way to launch a favorite or view from the dashboard as a hyperlink as opposed to the favorites global nav dropdown?
Scenario is this:
We have a work group that typically just does look-ups on a half-dozen different screens in different areas of the system along with running a handful of reports.
We don't want to load all of those views on a dashboard. We just want quick hyperlinks to them on the dashboard.
Pat - The architecture of the system is such that each separate page/view is not its own url. Therefore it's not possible to create links to specific pages, views or favorites within the applications. I could see the ability to specify a View that is tied to an Action Button as a good enhancement idea. Thanks.
Mark F
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