
Action Button Gadgets



  • Kris Corrigan

    Can you create a button to go to an area outside of EBMS i.e. your local network drives?

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Kris,

    1. Go to Custom Reports and Links
    2. Add a new link
    3. Give it a Description (eg "H Drive")
    4. Display = On Main Menu, Module = <anything - I recommend Admin, Sys Admin>, Execution Mode = External Program
    5. Command = C:\Windows\Explorer.exe H:\ (or whatever drive you want)
    6. Set Access to whoever should see the button

    Now this custom action is available to select as a new button.

  • Kris Corrigan

    Thanks Sean thats how I thought it worked but I am getting an error message but I will keep trying

  • Pat Falkner

    Is there a way to create hyperlinks instead of action buttons?  The dashboard gets ugly quickly if populating with buttons and have no control of the order in which they appear.

    Is there a way to launch a favorite or view from the dashboard as a hyperlink as opposed to the favorites global nav dropdown?

    Scenario is this:

    We have a work group that typically just does look-ups on a half-dozen different screens in different areas of the system along with running a handful of reports.

    We don't want to load all of those views on a dashboard. We just want quick hyperlinks to them on the dashboard.

  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    Pat - The architecture of the system is such that each separate page/view is not its own url. Therefore it's not possible to create links to specific pages, views or favorites within the applications. I could see the ability to specify a View that is tied to an Action Button as a good enhancement idea. Thanks.

    Mark F

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