
Data Model



  • Pat Falkner

    Where is the data model for v19.9/v20.9 ?

    It doesn't appear to be available on the Ungerboeck online data model

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Pat,

    We are currently finalizing the changes and it will be available shortly.  I'll post on the other thread when it is ready.


  • Polina Zhitomirsky

    It's June 2017. Is there a link to the database model?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Polina,

    The v20.9/v19.9 Data Model information was made available in February and uses the same Data Model link that is available from the Main Menu.



  • Donnelle Curnow


    I am unable to open the Data Model from the main menu.  I am working in version 19.90FP42.  Where do I find the link?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Donnelle,

    In v19.9, it is called EBMS Data Model and is in the Query & Reporting module on the Main Menu.


  • John Sadler

    We're still on 20.8. I can't get this to run in 19.8 or 20.8. Is there another way to get the database model or diagrams? In the manual or something maybe? Thanks!

  • Maggie U.

    Hi John,

    Sorry to hear you are having problems.  Clicking on the Data Model link from the v20.8 Main Menu should open it directly.  When you click on the link, do you get a message or some other feedback?  That will help indicate what the problem may be.


  • John Sadler

    Hi Maggie, thanks for the reply! Unfortunately that's the problem. I don't even have the link in 20.8. It tries to bridge me back to 19.8, and when I click it in 19.8 it tries to load an external website that doesn't give me access.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi John,

    What I think you are seeing is a prompt to enter your FTP credentials.  If you enter those credentials into the login screen, you'll be redirected to the new Data Model site.  Your system administrator has the FTP credential information and may need to log in for you.  In later versions, the credential authentication is done automatically but v20.8 requires the FTP login for the redirect.  


  • John Sadler

    Ok thanks Maggie, I'll give that a try. Appreciate the help.

  • jorge berumen

    Is there a way to only return a subset of the fields return by the REST API? Getting an event returns a bunch of fields i don't need

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Jorge,

    I talked with my API expert and although it's not currently available, it will be in a future release.



  • Pat Falkner

    When will v19.94/20.94 version of the data model be available?

    We want to begin testing/verifying changes so any of our custom applications and reports do not break.

    Would you happen to have a rundown of the changes at all?


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Pat,

    This is targeted for mid-June. I'll let you know when it's available.


  • Shilpa Ramesh


    It is still not working for 20.94 version and its past mid-June.We need access to data model to give some points for wrapper development ASAP.Could you please let us know when this would be working?


  • Maggie U.


    Wanted to update the thread to let you all know the v20.94 Data Model is available.



  • Sean Tame

    Hi @...,

    Any word on when the Data Model action in v30 will be hooked up?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Sean,

    It is planned for v30.95 Release C which is estimated to be at the end of 2019.


  • Christoph Höller


    we're on v20.94 but there's no Data Model link in the Main Menu. Searching for it comes up with nothing. Is this a feature that needs to be activated first?

    Kind Regards,


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Christoph,

    This menu option is located under the Query & Reporting module. Your Account Manager is the best person to talk to see what may be needed to have access to this module.



  • Christoph Höller

    Hi Maggie, 

    thanks for the clarification. As it turns out, "Query & Reporting" is just not something we have licensed and that's why we don't have the Data Model link in the Main Menu. 

    Kind Regards,


  • Is the data model broken? Yesterday it was loading a garbage screen- today it's not loading anything "ERR_CONNECTION_RESET"


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Lee,

    I'm not experiencing the same problems. Please enter a ticket if it's an ongoing issue.


  • Working OK now- thanks Maggie

  • Rebecca Green

    Hi @..., I am trouble shooting a Crystal report issue after upgrading to .98.  When I attempt to change the version in the data model I get the prohibited symbol.  I am looking at the ER101 table.  Thanks!

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Rebecca,

    Can you provide a screenshot of the error you are seeing?



  • Rebecca Green

    Here you go...

  • Carrie Spalding

    Hi Rebecca!  I apologize it's taken me so log to get back to you - I have verified with our team that we have not made any updates to the data model, therefore 30.97 is still the most current version available.

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