
Processing Scheduled Tasks



  • Lori Lee

    You state "_Once a task has been scheduled to run at a particular point in time, the system will not run scheduled tasks by itself. The tasks will need to be run by having a user manually select the "Process Tasks" option from the main menu periodically". _When you say periodically we have to manually run this, to me it defeats the purpose of Scheduled Tasks. Is there a reason for why the process does not kick off on its own? Is there plans to resolve that? Also, is this available in V20 or possibly going to be?  

  • Shalen Sookdeo

    I was just wondering if you had any feedback on this topic ?

  • Lori Lee

    I have not.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Lori & Shalen,

    I will be sending this to our team that works in this area so I can get you a response. I apologize for the delay.


  • Maggie U.


    The processes will run on their own and you don't need to go into the Process Tasks screen to kick off the processes each time. However, there are some instances when the you may need to access to Process Tasks screen such as if a report is set to run for a fixed parameter (a hard date range for example) that may need to be updated. However, if reports are set up to run based on a relative date range (next 7 days), then this will run automatically.

    I will update the above article so it's more apparent that it is focused on what to do if a process doesn't run correctly or if there a reporting parameter which needs to be changed.


  • Shalen Sookdeo

    Thank you for the update , but my system does not automatically run? Is there anything that i should check?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Shalen,

    Please contact your local Client Care Team to have them review your setup.


  • Kris Corrigan


    Do you need a parameter in order to access the report scheduler?

    How can I easily send a report with no parameters via the report scheduler?



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Kris,

    I reached out to our experts and the Report Scheduler is on the report prompt. They said that you could set up a Generic report prompt for reports with no parameters to use the scheduler.


  • Michele Frau

    Hi Maggie,  I have a report where there are no parameters and I set it to use a Generic report prompt however this option is bypassing the report prompt screen which seems to be the only place to access the Schedule Reports button in 20.93.  Since we no longer have access to v19, I cant figure out how to get into the window we need.  

  • Ryan G.

    Hi Michele,

    Since you don't have direct access to v19 on 20.93, you will need to bridge to the v19 report to schedule the report.

    If it is a main menu report, you will need to create a custom link for it. See Configuring Custom Links for more information.


    Ryan Gilomen
    Ungerboeck Software

  • Tracy McClellan

    I am guessing this is for a higher version of the software than what I use.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Tracy,

    This feature is available for our Enterprise product. I have sent your Customer Success Manager, Dusty Hassler, an email to follow up with you to discuss your needs and what potential solutions we may have for you.



  • Hello,

    Testing the Report Scheduler feature to see if it will fit into some of our workflows, I'm able to get a report on the Scheduled Tasks list just fine (report is set to run once, and to email the report), but (a) it's not running at the scheduled time (the status remains at "Waiting"); and (b) running Process Tasks to manually trigger it starts the job then immediately lists a "Stopped" entry in the completed tasks with an "Error running report" remark.

    The report does not have any parameter prompts, and runs fine when triggered in v20.

    Any guesses at what steps I might be missing?  And/or, how I can get the details behind the "Error running report" remark?

    Thank you,


  • John Padgett

    Hi Zak,


    Have you set up the Cloud Task Engine for your environment? If not, you will need to reach out to our support team. Please enter a support ticket with the same details you've given here. They should be able to help you to set up report scheduling for your site.




  • Sean Tame

    Hi John,

    Is there a reason there is no KB article on this?  I'm sure others would like to implement this too.

    Is this only for hosted customers?

  • Hello - when scheduling a report to send a PDF via email:  how can one send to multiple recipients using a single schedule action?  (separating addresses with a comma, semi-colon or a space doesn't do the trick...)


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Zak,

    You can separate multiple email addresses using a semicolon or a comma. Looks like in versions previous to v20.93, it wasn't working correctly but if you are on v20.93 or above, I'd expect the emails to be sent if you are using semicolons or commas. If you are on v20.93 or above and still having this problem, enter a ticket with our Client Care Team with the details so they can dig into it more.



  • Thanks, Maggie.  I'm on 20.94: ticket going in!



  • Bonnie Ma


    My company is on a cloud based with version 20.96D.   I have scheduled a task to generate a report daily with the date set as next 1 days.   However, the scheduled tasks does not automatically run and need to manually proceed the task.   Also, I found that the report does not jump to the next day, say I set the scheduled task on Apr 7, and today when I generate the report, it is still showing the information of Apr 8 and 9.  How could we fixed it? 



  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Bonnie,

    Are you able to provide more information so we can determine what the issue might be?



  • Bonnie Ma

    Hi Ryan, 

    I have reported to support centre for investigation.   



  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    Hi all,

    has anyone managed to select an email template to be sent with the scheduled pdf report?

    If I select an email template the task fails, without email template it works...
    Does the email template need to have a different subject than "Custom Subjects"?

    Sending a blank email just with attachment is a bit confusing to the recipients.



  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Elisabeth,

    Can I ask why you are using Custom Subjects for your email template. What happens when you click Send Test Email? I would recommend using a different subject than Custom for what you are trying to accomplish.



  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    Hi Ryan,

    thanks for your reply. "Custom Subject" seemed to be the closest to Crystal Reports.

    For one of the scheduled tasks I now recreated the email template with Subject "Registration Orders" and manually processing the task was sucessful. (Earlier with "Custom Subject" it was processed but failed.)

    For another scheduled task created by my colleague the template email field is greyed out so I cannot select any email to be added. The only difference I can see are the recipients and the schedule (monthly instead of weekly). Any suggestions?




  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Elisabeth,

    I confirmed with our Development team that the Custom subject is not equivalent to crystal reports. The email template field is only greyed out if you do not schedule it from a report list (eg. Main Menu). Once you schedule from a report list you will be able to add an email address for your scheduled task. You can also add the field of Context Object to your layout for a scheduled task with a task type of report. Zero means that it did not come from a proper place to use templates. 

    I hope this helps.


  • Levin Shum

    Hi there,

    We are moving to v30 Cloud. When testing the scheduled reports, I couldn't find the schedule option on the report parameter selection screen. Attached the difference between v20 and v30. Am I missing anything here? Thank you.


  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Levin,

    This looks like a custom report you designed using the generic report prompt. Can you let me know what version you are currently on?



  • Levin Shum

    Hi Ryan,

    It's version 30.98B. And yes, those are custom reports. Wondering if there are configurations somewhere to make it appear.



  • Ryan Canny

    Thanks for confirming, Levin. Please reach out to our Client Care team and they will be able to troubleshoot this from here.


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