Occasionally, you may want to only show summaries for fields that match a certain criteria. For example, you may only want the sum of all charges related to room rentals, but display other types of resources on the report as well. You can do this by entering a formula on the Evaluate section of the Running Total Field.
To do so, create a new Running Total Field and under Evaluate, select Use a Formula and click the formula button. In this formula screen, you will want to create a formula that evaluates to True. For example, if you only want to see a summary of all the food items sold, and you have a department for food, you could enter {ER101_ACCT_ORDER_DTL}.{ER101_DEPT} = 'FOOD'. Then only resource items with the department of FOOD will be evaluated.
You can do the same for the Reset Value. When a formula here evaluates to true, the value of the Running Total Field will start over.
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