
Custom Links



  • Hi Zak, this should do the trick;

    <command wdwid="ES8300" function="openWindow" panel="Y"><parameters><parm name="WdwContextObjectID" type="integer">615</parm></parameters></command>
  • Maggie U.

    One of our developers passed this along for you to try. A little different from Lee's.

    <command wdwid="ES8300" panel="N" function="openWindow"><parameters><parm type="string" name="OrgCode">10</parm><parm type="string" name="AcctDesig">P</parm></parameters></command>

  • Both of those approaches worked, thank you!

    (Lee: what wizardry did you use to figure out that parm name?!)


  • I did a grep in the v20 folder for wdwID and favID and then scouted nearby for something like contextobjectid or objectcontextid then bam!

  • Hello.

    Any plans for allowing execution of "External Program" in v30 on a Mac? 


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Zak,

    This is not currently on our future roadmap.



  • Brett Ward

    Curious, anybody had any luck with this? I'm experiencing the same issue trying to create a custom link for a view specific to our Event Sales accounts, but the link is directed towards the Accounts - All window.

  • Sam Wilson

    Hi Brett,

    For a configured view on the Accounts - Event Sales window, your command line should be similar to...

    <command wdwid="ES8070" panel="N" function="openWindow"><parameters><parm name="ViewID" type="integer">7156</parm></parameters></command>

    Make sure to change the 7156 to reflect the ID of your desired view. You can Manage Views on the window, or go to the Views page from the Main Menu to locate the ID for your view.



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