
Web Skins



  • Linda Hilko

    "Please note that if you click the 'Edit Web Skin' link next to the drop-down, you will no longer be using a Template Web Skin, and will now be editing a Custom Web Skin.  If you want to edit the Template Web Skin, go to the v20 Main Menu and search for 'Web Skins', and edit the Template Web Skin from there." 

    How and where do I enable "Edit Web Skin" editor?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Linda,

    The Edit Web Skin link is displayed next to the Web Skin drop-down on the Registration Setup screen. By default, you can find this on the Registration Form Setup tab under the Appearance section; however, if your organization has customized the Registration Setup screen, it could be located somewhere else on the screen.



  • Linda Hilko

    Hi Maggie, thanks for your quick response.

    here is a screenshot of my COWF set up - there is no Edit Web Skin option

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Linda,

    COWF works directly off the templates rather than creating a custom version of a template so you will need to go back to the template from the main menu and make your adjustments there.


  • Linda Hilko

    I did that - that's the screenshot above that shows no where to edit the webskin. Nor can I add the option to edit.

  • Linda Hilko

    And if you're referring to the Web Skins templates section I cannot edit the text in the header/footer from there either.

    The Advanced Editor and RTF editor are both greyed out.


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Linda,

    Yep, you got yourself exactly to where you needed to:) However, I am totally stumped as to why you cannot get to the advanced editor to edit the text that is there. I did some looking at other cases and some testing but have not been able to create the same situation or see any potential solutions.

    The best next steps would be to enter a case with our Client Care Team so they can do some more digging into the situation. I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you more!


  • Linda Hilko

    Thanks. That's too bad. I've been doing lots of reading in the Knowledge base about others trying to get the COWF to work for them. Some have abandoned the use of this feature. I'm wondering if I'm just wasting my (and your) time. However, since we're planning to upgrade in the next month, I'll wait until after that is completed to see if that fixes the problem and hope (fingers crossed) that the other problems with duplicate accounts being generated gets fixed. This COWF is a fantastic idea and if it does work it would be very helpful.

    Thanks for your time Maggie.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Linda,

    I don't think the problem you are having with the web skin is related specifically to COWF but rather some type of problem with the overall web skin template. Client Care can help dig into the details to figure out specifically what may be happening.


  • Linda Hilko

    Hi Maggie, any updates from the Client Care team on this one?

    Also, has there been any fix applied yet to eliminate the creation of duplicate accounts or assigning an existing contact to the wrong organization? i.e. multiple duplicate checking process?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Linda,

    Unfortunately, the template you want to edit is a USI provided template and there isn't a way to edit the text on those standard templates.

    I'm not familiar with the duplicate account or assigning existing contacts questions but it looks like Joel, your Customer Success Manager, is working with you on those. I'll send him a quick message to make sure he gives you and update as soon as he knows more!


  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    Is there a possibility to use Wildcards or Fields in the text editor for the page sections? 

  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Elisabeth,

    This is not something that is possible with web skins. 



  • Theresa Gorman

    In my web skin for exhibitor portal, I have configured the header to reference an image on our website but when loading, I get 'content blocked' message.   How can we fix this?


    1. Content Security Policy of your site blocks some resources
      1. Some resources are blocked because their origin is not listed in your site's Content Security Policy (CSP). Your site's CSP is allowlist-based, so resources must be listed in the allowlist in order to be accessed.

        A site's Content Security Policy is set either as via an HTTP header (recommended), or via a meta HTML tag.

        To fix this issue do one of the following:

        • (Recommended) If you're using an allowlist for 'script-src', consider switching from an allowlist CSP to a strict CSP, because strict CSPs are more robust against XSS. See how to set a strict CSP.
        • Or carefully check that all of the blocked resources are trustworthy; if they are, include their sources in the CSP of your site. ⚠️Never add a source you don't trust to your site's CSP. If you don't trust the source, consider hosting resources on your own site instead.
        1. 1 directive
          1. Resource Status Directive Source Location
            https://www.rds.ie blocked frame-src /PROD/App/dist/publi…esentationUtil.js:1
          Learn more: Content Security Policy - Source Allowlists

    Refused to frame 'https://www.rds.ie/' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self'". Note that 'frame-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.

  • Mike Schepker


    Please open a ticket with our Client Care team. There may be additional settings that need to be enabled for your site in order to allow resources from other websites. 



  • Carissa Smith

    What is the size of JPEG needed for the custom web skin "Top" Insert an image.... 

    I've added images in the past that seem to have sized appropriately to the space. The logo I just added is turning out grainy...


  • Carrie Spalding

    Hi Carissa! What application within Ungerboeck are you working with?  For example, if you are using Exhibitor Service Center or Exhibitor Portal the recommended dimensions for the top image are 1920x200.

    Thank you!


  • In the latest vesions of the software we can not edit the template within an event any more. The action link is missing. We also can not copy the web skin from the main menu web skin management. How can we easily copy a web skin and adjust it for a spcific event now? Thanks

  • Jodi Webb

    Hi Thomas, 
    I hope you are well. 

    Which Web Skin are you referring to? Where are you using this? Are you trying to copy it from the Web Skins, or within a configuration? If you can give us some more details, we will be able to answer your questions. 

    Web Themes has been introduced for some Enterprise applications now, instead of having to use Web Skins. You may want to have a look at these also. 

    Kind regards, 


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