
Export a Custom HTML Section File for a Web Skin



  • Kieron Marshall

    Will there be a way in the hopefully near future to export the HTML webskin for those who are hosted with no SQL access? as with the push towards hosting a solution needs to be in the pipeline.

  • Sean Tame

    +1 on this one.

  • Sean Tame

    Any update on this?

    We can export rpt files from the Report Master with a simple click - there should be no need to go through the above to extract web skin configs.

  • Sean Tame

    Bumping this again - PLEASE add an export option.

    This process is not very practical.


  • Joseph Hoang

    Hi this needs to be re-raised now this is on the Cloud.

  • Jerry

    Would be great if we can have some sort of export function on the web skin screen - any news?

  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Jerry,

    We do not have any news at this time.



  • Jerry

    Thanks Mike

    Can we push for a solution for this as current process is not practical.  Been 6 days since logging a support ticket for a copy of the file, and still waiting.  And to be fair to support, this sort of request shouldn't be top priority for them, or even on their queue!




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