
Field Restrictions



  • Joey Lynn Pinaglia

    I am working on field restrictions and when I go to add, my only choice is Hide, I do not have the Protect or Required options.   How do I get to see all 3 options on the add screen?  

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Joey,

    What field are you trying to set up for the field restriction? There are some fields that don't have all the options (for example, you can't take off a require from a field Ungerboeck requires) but want to make sure this is the case for you.



  • Joey Lynn Pinaglia

    Hey Maggie,

    On our event edit screen, only certain roles are allowed to enter the information so I am trying to protect those fields from the other roles but all roles need to be able to see the information.

    Screen shots below:


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Joey,

    The field you are restricting is a non-editable field so that is why you don't have the Require or Protect options and you only have the Hide options. If you try to restrict an editable field, like Class, then you see all three options.



  • Maggie U.


    In the first screen print (the Edit Event screen), the Primary Coordinator Name field is only a display. This means that the field isn't editable for anyone. Is anyone in your organization able to edit this field?

    I think the field you are looking to restrict is the Coordinator field (this could be called something different in your system since you can customize your field names - this can make it a little more tricky:)). The Coordinator field is a drop-down on the Edit Event screen if someone can edit it:

    And to set up a field restrictions for this field, it looks similar to this:

    If I protect this field for a role I'm in, then the Coordinator field looses the drop-down arrow and becomes a lighter gray to indicate I can't change it.

    Check with your managers to see what field they are updating on their screen and see if it matches the field you are trying to set the field restriction on. 

    Let me know how it goes forward - happy to continue helping to get it worked out!




  • Joey Lynn Pinaglia

    That was it, thank you for the help!!  

  • Maggie U.

    Awesome! Let us know if there's anything else we can help with! 

  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    We have some users that have multiple roles. If we hide a field for one of the roles, do they still see it because of the other roles?

    Is there a possibility to show this field only to users with a certain role? instead of having to exclude all other roles?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Elisabeth,

    When there are field restrictions set on multiple roles, then the least restrictive field restriction "wins." The field restriction options are defined below as least restrictive to most restrictive.

    Options (Listed Least Restrictive to Most):

    1 – Required
    2 – Shown/Open (This is basically “no field restriction” assigned)
    3 – Protected
    4 – Hide/Don’t Show

    So if you have a user with two roles and one has the field hidden and the other has no field restriction, then the field will show since that is considered the least restrictive. 

    I am going to also add this information to the article to further clarify how field restrictions on multiple roles works.

    If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask!


  • Nina Dennison

    How do we REMOVE a "Required" option if we don't need it anymore?? 

  • Sean Tame
    1. Show Columns
    2. Hover over the field and select the three stacked dots icon.
    3. Select Field Restrictions
    4. Delete the row(s) you no longer want.
  • Nina Dennison

    Hi Sean, I don't want to remove the field, I just want to remove the "required" part of the field. I don't want it to be required, we just want it to be optional. 


  • Sean Tame

    Yes, those are the steps to do that.  The row being deleted is the instruction for Hide/Show/Protect for User/Role.  Not to delete the field.

  • Nina Dennison

    Hi Sean, 

    It seems we don't have the "Show" option. This is one we are trying to fix, and it only give me an option to "ADD" a restriction even after it HAS a restriction attached already. 

  • Sean Tame

    Nina Dennison,

    You have selected to Edit Multiple and Set the Dates and Times.  When you do this, the fields are mandatory as this is what you have selected to update.

    You cannot modify the required fields on the Edit Multiple window.

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