
Adjust Prices by a Fixed Percentage



  • Jason Allen

    This does not work, and doesn't do what you would generally expect from a recalculation. (I'm using v19.50K)

    If using the % over current, it actually places your xx.x % as a markup against base. So you are getting a base markup and not a recalcuation. And there appears to be no way to recalculate the base price, so you are never really updating prices, but just performing markup on base. If using % markup as the basis, then it reset your pricing back to 0.00 and leaves base price untouched.

  • Mark Meacham

    If using the** % over current to adjust pricing**, and you tick the boxes next to Advance and Late in the "Price List" section, the system will either increase or decrease the prices (Advance and Late) by the value entered in this field. And if you tick the checkbox to "Recalculate Standard Price", this will also adjust the Standard Price field by the value entered as well. 

    If using **% Markup to adjust pricing, **this will reset your pricing back to zero, and leave the base price at the original amout.

  • Jason Allen

    If you have a value for Base Price, and are using Adv %, Std %, or Late % markup values to set the Adv, Std, or Late prices, then how do you complete a price recalculation on the Base Price? Scenario: You copy 2013 price list into 2014 price list, and want to add x% to your Base Price for annual increase, which then also reflects in your Adv, Std, and Late prices as they have % markup.

  • Mark Meacham

    Currently, neither one of the options, "% Markup" or "% over Current" adjusts the base price.  The functionality of the copy price list was not designed to ever change or touch the base price, as the base price is used to determine the Advance, Standard, and/or late price.  Since, when choosing the % Markup is resetting the values to zero, we will explore what is causing this behavior and update this article. 

  • Mark Meacham

    Currently in v19.6/20.6, this is how the process works:

    1.  If using % over current, the system takes the percentage entered and updates prices based on the price that currently appears in the Advanced, Standard and late columns

    2.  If using % Markup, the system uses the Cost Price of the item(s) and changes the prices for Advance, Standard and Late to the Cost Price + the Markup.

    There currently is not a Markup over the Base Price, but will send this request to the Product Management team to be reviewed for a future release consideration.


  • Gardy Noel

    This is a useful tool, especially when setting up future price lists, or making wholesale changes to rates within a price list.  Will there be a part of that tool that allows us to change/increase a rate by flat number, as opposed to percentage? I feel like that's the only thing missing from this, as I've found myself having to increase rental rates in the past by a dollar amount, and not a percentage.


  • Megan Eve

    I am selecting multiple outlined in #4 but it doesn't work. It only edits the one I right clicked on. 

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Megan,

    I did a quick test on my end but didn't experience the same problem. However, there could be other factors in play so please enter a case with our Client Care Team and they can get more details and work with you on a solution.



  • Karin van der Horst

    https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/articles/204557808/comments/202841698 - There currently is not a Markup over the Base Price

    Mark, did product management follow up on your request?

    The point i sthat the base price stays as it is - being of influencee on the tierpricings and next year you want to add a new percentage , but the mark up is then calaculed over the marked up prices ( not giving the right amounts).

    At some point Base price should be the new base value - equal to standard price

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