
Resources Overview



  • Kieron Marshall

    Hi I am trying to wrap my head around resource classes at the moment, we were told, that to be inventory items you need them as class 2.


    Now we have some resources that dont need to be inventory for tracking,  they are currently as class 3..

    Is there any reason we can't just make them class 2 and just not create an inventory item? I am a bit unclear on that, and the logic with the classes.

    The reason I see is that fixed assets require a class2, and whilst we don't have fixed assets, we "may" look at it at some point in the future so we don't want to back ourselves in a corner by using the class 3.  

    Also can Class 2 items bee linked to an asset without being an inventory item as well?



  • Patrick Tenny

    I describe Class 2 Equipment resources as tangible property that will still be on hand after being used during an event - is not consumed during the event. There is no requirement for a type 2 resource to be also be set up in inventory unless you hope to compare on hand balances to event requirements. So a fixed asset could be set up in Resources without being setup in inventory. There is no direct link between Fixed Assets and Resources.

    FYI - Consumable inventory can also be set up in inventory which can create a Type 3 Resource.

  • Permanently deleted user


    This may be a really silly question but is there a way to do 2 tier scheduling?


  • Dave Segasture

    Asha, can you explain what you mean by "2 Tier" scheduling?  We need to know more about your requirement before we can respond.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Dave,

    So we have 17 digital screens which are doubled sided and each offer 12x 10 second slots for advertisement, to ensure we are selling these and to ensure we do not double book I would think setting these up as type 4 (telecommunications) would be the way forward.

    For example:

    Screen 1

    Side A
    0 - 10 secs
    11 - 20 secs
    21 - 30 secs
    31 - 40 secs
    41 - 50 secs
    51 - 60 secs

    Side B
    0 - 10 secs
    11 - 20 secs
    21 - 30 secs
    31 - 40 secs
    41 - 50 secs
    51 - 60 secs

    Ideally I would like to be able to see in a service order what is booked and also report on which screens sell better and what sells better 10 sec ads or exclusive use.

    I'm not sure if I've explained this very well!


  • Dave Segasture

    You could certainly set these up as Class-4 Telecom Resources, but you could also just setup as Class-3 Consumables. I'd personally opt for Consumable (Class-4 was for integration with PBX systems for Convention Centers which used to leave phone-lines to Exhibitors, etc.).

    It appears the object you wish to achieve is to sell (Book) the individual sides of these signs. And the example you provided above would be the way to go. Then, all you'd do is Add them to a Service Order to sell them.

    There are other things which might be beneficial and might change how you're doing this, if you truly wish to "book" the Sides for each Sign and especially if you would want to use Ungerboeck to perhaps feed the information for feeding the Signs.

    If you wish to discuss further, I'd recommend reaching out to Cammie at x138 to book a :30 minute call to initially review your requirements and for us to discuss your options.

    Dave S.

  • Jaime Kenney

    HI - I have updated my Resources for the season and am wondering why they are not directly populating my Inventory Items. We are trying to put in actual inventory numbers, but I can't figure out what step I am missing without adding them directly as an Inventory Item (which I don't think I had to do in the past).



  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting


    If, instead of adding Resource for which you wish to track Inventory Levels directly into the Resources screen, if you instead add them to the Inventory Master screen, connecting them with the Resource Type under which they are to be held, the system creates both the Inventory Item and it's related Resource in the Resource Master.

    You simply started from the wrong direction this time.

    You can still fix this, but adding the exact same Resources into the Inventory Master and connect them to your existing Resources.

    Then you can create and Post your Inventory Batches to load your Inventory Levels.

  • Jaime Kenney

    Thank you for the help on this. It did seem to work, but only through V19. We have not had to work through V19 to get items into the Inventory Items before. Any ideas on why we don't have Inventory Master on my Main Menu in V20?

  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    In v20 the "Resource Master" is called "Resources".

    If you add the new Resources via the Inventory screen... it will populate your Resources screen.

  • Sean Tame

    The v19 "Inventory Master" in v20 is called "Inventory Items".

    Typically, all the "...Master" menu options have had the 'Master' dropped in v20 and an 's' to indicate the plural added.

    Eg, Resource Master = Resources, Space Master = Spaces, Inventory Master = Inventory Items etc.

  • Jaime Kenney

    Thank you for clarifying the V19-V20 items (we started in V20). One more question, on the Inventory Items when we add an item it auto creates the code. Where when we add the item in the Resource list we can create the code on our own. Ideally I want to create the code so that it is similar to like items already created and able to be found in the Inventory Transaction like we have been able to do in the past. 

  • Sean Tame

    Where ever you see *AUTO in the application, it indicates that a code will be auto generated when it is saved.  You can however simply overwrite this and create your own.

  • Megan Eve

    I don't know if this goes in this article, but I have resources that are discounts. The department is 840 - event services fees but when I go to that item on a service order it says item department 841-Operations. Why is this? I have included 2 images to help explain what I mean. I need the resource type 3DISC to far under 840 event services because we created a crystal report to suppress resources if they are under the department - 840- event services fees. To me they should be suppressed on the report based on the department, but I think they are not since the item department says 841-Operations. thanks to anyone who can help me figure this out!

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Megan,

    Welcome to the Ungerboeck Support Center!

    When you add a discount to an item, the discount item inherits the department of the item being discounted. This is standard system behavior so there isn't a way to change how this works. However, for your report, you could use the ER101_DISCOUNT_FLAG field to hide the discount lines instead of the department. This field gets set to Y if it's a discount item for another item. I think this will get you the end result you are after.



  • Sean Jones


    We are in the process of reorganizing our resources and am having difficulty.  While I am able to access the Resource Master Report, the Resource Master is nowhere to be found.


  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    Hi Sean,

    The Resource Master was the name of the window in v19. In v20/v30, the window is called Resources off of the Main Menu. 


    Kaitlyn Batliner
    Ungerboeck Consultant

  • Sean Jones

    Hi Kaitlyn,

    Thanks for the prompt reply and I understand.  So recreating all of the space resources is done through the Resources > Add?



  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    Hi Sean,

    Spaces should be configured in the Spaces window off of the Main Menu. The link here is to our Add a Space article: https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/articles/220762048-Add-a-Space 

    Within the article, it mentions the Pricing tab. This is where you link the Space to a Price List and Rate(s). A precursor to being able to complete the Pricing tab on the Add/Edit Space window is creating the Space Rate.

    The Space Rates (Hourly Rate, Event Rate, Daily Rate, etc.) are created in the Resources window. Space Rates are Class 1 Resource Types. 

    Kaitlyn Batliner
    Ungerboeck Consutant

  • Sean Jones

    Hi Kaitlyn,

    Sorry to bother again but I had a follow-up question.  When upgrading our resources, we want to be able to use inventory tracking for our theatre assets from show to show, venue to venue.  How will we be able to do this in V30? IE- We have 100 orchestra chairs to share between 2 venues.



  • Dave Segasture

    Sean, let me step in for Kaitlyn while she is out of office.

    You can leverage "Inventory Locations" and assuming you have the Inventory Module,  "Inventory Chains" to help with this.

    Add or update Spaces to indicate they are to be used for "Inventory" - this is a setting on your Space Add/Edit screen, it's a simple Check-Box.

    Then go into your Inventory Items screen and add the Inventory Locations (Spaces) to your Inventory Items.

    You may need to update your Inventory to indicate the Balance of each Item for/by it's Location.  (This allows you to use Inventory Transactions to move Inventory from Location to Location or, if you elect to utilize Inventory Chains - you can direct the system to draw resources from a particular Inventory Location via it's Inventory Chain.)

    This functionality is included in your standard Ungerboeck, and is as far as most clients go.

    IF you have the Inventory Module - then you can utilize Inventory Chains - see the following.

    Define Inventory Chains - Creating an Inventory Chain for each of your Inventory Locations.

    Application in an Event - you may need to Add the "Inventory Chain" field to your Add/Edit Event layout - then for your Event, select the appropriate Inventory Chain for your Event.

    There are articles on the KnowledgeBase on Inventory Locations and Inventory Chains.

    If you need further assistance we could schedule a Billable Call to review this process.

  • Joey Lynn Pinaglia

    I am trying to figure out how to give a coworker access to View and Edit resources.  In the search menu, when I looking up resources, I get Resources under Administration - System Administration/Administration, that is what I am trying to give him access to and I can't figure out what access privilege he needs.   he's missing.  

  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Joey,

    There is an Access Privilege for Add/Edit Resource Master Entries. However, if the user does not have access to the Resources window, it won't be 'triggered'.

    You can either assign the Resources System Administration Feature to his or her Role or you can utilize Access Exceptions to Grant specific Actions if you would prefer not to give the Role the entire Feature. Keep in mind, any adjustments you make to the Role will affect all users in that Role, not just a single User. 

    Kaitlyn Batliner
    Senior Software Consultant

  • Michelle Herson


    I have created a bunch of new spaces.  I need to now create resources for all of them.  Is there an easy way to do this?  Or is the only way to manually create each resource? I am hoping there is a feature like there is for inventory to make it a resource.



  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Michelle,

    Please see the following knowledge base article regarding Space Booking Rates: https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/articles/204570428-Space-Booking-Rates 


    Kaitlyn Batliner
    Senior Consultant

  • Samuel Riggenbach


    We are trying to figure out the logic behind the ressources, in particular how the resources and the types can be categorized. Maybe there is an explanation somewhere in the support center we did not find so far, so we would be very happy to get a link.

    I'm sorry the print-screens are in German, hope you can help anyway.

    1) I can show a column "Kategorie" (Categroy?). What does it do and where can it be set (I don't find a suitable field when editing the ressource)?

    2) Here I see groups ("Gruppen" / "Hauptgruppe" / "Untergruppe") - what are they for?


    3) Above I encircled the word "Art" (Type). It is the following field:

    Question: is there an explanation in the support center for these terms (Setup, Package, Menu, Feature)?

    I hope our questions ar not too stupid.. Thanks for your help!
    Kind regards, Samuel 

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Samuel,

    There's a large number of fields and settings on Resources as this is a very powerful and integral part of the system.  It is probably not helpful to explain field by field what they are.  It is more useful to understand what you need to achieve and whether you need to employ any of these options to achieve your outcomes.

    Many of the options are explained here: Momentus Support Center (ungerboeck.com)

  • Samuel Riggenbach

    Hi Sean, thanks a lot for this fast respond. I will check this page! kind regards, Samuel

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