
Setting iEBMS Passwords for Multiple Contacts



  • Eileen Durand

    Hello, the link above does not take you anywhere.  Does anyone have the instructions for assigning the passwords to a contact?  Thank you.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Eileen,

    I'm working on getting an answer on this and will update this article and create any new articles that may be needed.  I'll report back once I have a confirmed answer.


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Eileen,

    The reset password process for a public facing site will differ depending on if you are using public facing v20 or iEBMS.

    If you are using public facing v20 (v20 registration, ESC, Exhibitor Portal, etc.), follow these steps:

    1.  Sign into Ungerboeck Software as an administrator. 

    2.  From the Main Menu, select the Users link.

    3.  On the Users link, locate the public facing user.  Make sure your Access Level filter on this screen has Public selected so you can see these records.  Also use the name and/or email search fields to also more easily find the user.

    4.  Select the user, right-click, select Tools and one of the following:

    • Change Password - A screen opens allowing you to determine the new password for the user.
    • Reset Password - An email is sent to the email address of the user with a reset password link so the user can determine the new password.

    To reset the password for iEBMS, follow these steps:

    1.  Navigate to the appropriate Contacts screen (Event Sales, etc.). 

    2. Select the contact, right-click and select Tools -> Change Internet Password (v19).  The Change Internet Password screen opens.

    3.  Enter the new password into the New Password field and confirm the new password in the Confirm New Password field. 

    4.  Click OK.

    Beginning in v20.9, this password process has been consolidated and will only use the Change Internet Password screen to maintain both iEBMS and public facing v20 passwords.  

    I will update this article to remove the incorrect link and create new articles for updating passwords but wanted to get this info to you ASAP.




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