When creating a Merge Data Source, you can add in both standard and custom parameters. To do so, click the Add Data Source Parameter button in the Add Data Source window (img1.jpg).
Right click inside the Edit Data Source Parameters window and select either "Insert Custom Parameter" or "Insert Standard Parameter".
Choosing "Insert Standard Parameter" will bring up a dialog box allowing you to select from the existing list. To know if an '@' parameter is supported by Momentus Enterprise window, look at the supported parameters for that window's report list. If you are using the Data Source for iEBMS, the parameter will be included in the page query string.
Choosing "Insert Custom Parameter" will allow you to enter a new item in the window. Your parameter names must contain no spaces. To use a custom parameter in your data source surround it by '^'. For example a parameter named CUSTOM would be entered ^CUSTOM^.
Example of EZWriter parameters that can be used when configuring the Session EZWriter configuration or Speaker EZWriter configuration (used for publishing the Abstract agenda online): @ABSTRACT and @ORGANIZATION will need to be passed via the Merge Data Source. The @EVENT is not needed here since you can find the event id in the abstract table directly.
Is there a list of EZWriter parameters which can be used from each window?
The EZWriter parameters are going to match the available parameters for the window's report list. For help finding that information see: https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/entries/23758396
When using parameters, what is the difference between the !parameter! and @parameter options?
@parameters allow you to pass the parameter value to the report automatically without requiring the user to enter the value. An example of this would be adding a report to the Events page that uses the @Event parameter. When the user runs the report it will automatically pass the event ID based on which event record the user has selected when they ran the report. And now they don't have to manually type in the event ID.
The !parameter! is also called a special look-up parameter. This will add a prompt to the report letting the user look-up the desired value in a window because they probably don't know the exact value that should be passed to the report off the top of their head. An example of this would be a report that allows the user to select which department to filer on. The report would need to filter on the department code. Instead of relying on the user to know the department code the !Department! parameter can be used so that when the report runs a prompt window automatically appears with an option to select the desired department from a list of departments.
For more details about @parameters and !parameters! please see the link to the article below. This was specifically written for Crystal reports, but the same concept applies to EZWriter reports. However, please note that for Crystal reports we use the syntax
%parameter instead of !parameter!, but the resulting functionality is the same.
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