
How to Publish EZWriter Report as Webpage



  • Denis Vanrijkel


    Is there a list with valid parameters to be passed in the URL?

    Example: if my Merge Data Source has a parameter @Event, @Account or @Registration, how would the URL to call the WRI page look like?


    Thanks a lot

  • Alex Hanson

    Any parameter added to the Merge Data Source is a valid parameter in the iEBMS WRI page.  The easiest way to see what the URL parameters will look like is to create the WRI page and add the desired Merge Data Format.  After clicking Apply, the URL will be added to the top of the window.  If you click on the URL you will be prompted to fill in the parameter values.  After entering the parameter values the webpage will open.  You can look at the URL to see how the parameters and their values are formatted.

  • Denis Vanrijkel

    Hello Alex,

    thanks for the feedback.

    I looked at the resulting URL when entering the parameters in the popup when clicking the link:


    So I suppose we always need to use the syntax:


    Thanks a lot


  • Tom Meersman

    Thank you for this sample Denis, was helpfull to me!

  • Hannes Eklund

    is there a replacement for EZWriter Page Builder in the v30/cloud version ?

  • Maggie U.


    There isn't a replacement yet. WRI is still supported though.



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