
Create Email Templates using EZWriter Templates v20



  • Lori Lee

    Are the screen shots from V20.7? My V20.6 doesn't look like that.  

  • Fabienne Mannherz

    Yes, this is the look of EZWriter 20.7E and higher!

  • Lori Lee

    I'm trying to follow your directions in V20.6, but it appears some of the functionality isn't there. For example, I'm not able to select the EZWriter Data Source when creating the Email Template, so I assume this means I cannot use EZWriter templates when sending emails in V20.6. Is that correct? 

  • Kris Corrigan

    I have created an ezwriter email template for a customer web opportunity form, once the email has been delivered it is not picking up the fields for the opportunity.

    Below is the SQL for the EZ writer

    select CR073_EXT_ACCT_CODE, CR073_EVT_ID, CR073_TXT_01 as Courier, CR073_TXT_03 as Staff_Member, EV870_FIRST_NAME, EV870_LAST_NAME, EV870_COMPANY_NAME, EV870_EMAIL_ADDRESS from CR073_ISSUES
    inner join EV870_ACCT_MASTER on EV870_ACCT_CODE=CR073_ext_acct_code
    where CR073_ISSUE_TYPE='de' and cr073_occurence=@occurrence

    Below is the template and how the email is being delivered back, it is not picking up the fields from the opportunity


    Please note  XXX parcels from *COURIER have been delivered to XXXXX.

    These will be stored within XXXXXX

  • Americas Ungerboeck Solutions

    Hi Kris-

    The first thing to check is that the system is recognizing the parameter @Occurrence.  To do this, look at the Data Source Parameters section and make sure it is displaying Issue Sequence Number.  The other thing I notice is that you are not including Organization code anywhere in your query.  Even if you only have one Organization currently, we highly recommend including this as it could have unintended consequences in the future.

    -Emily, Technical Services

  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Emily

    I have included the @organization and I already had @occurrence and the data source is displaying 'Issue Sequence Number' but the email still isn't picking up the information required and sends back the template with the wildcards as opposed to the data.



  • Kris Corrigan


    When using the @OCCURRENCE how can we remove the missing parameters for 'Issue Sequence Number'?



  • Americas Ungerboeck Solutions


    On the Data Source Parameters tab you can mark unneeded ones to be deleted. Just make sure that the parameter you want removed is not used on any of the three sections or it will return. 


  • Kris Corrigan

    Sorry Rob I should have been clearer, I would like to use the @OCCURRENCE, the issue I am having is that when using this I am getting the missing parameters message and would like to by pass this so it can auto read the occurrence in my SQL statement.



  • Americas Ungerboeck Solutions


    Where are you calling the email from? It could be that the context is not supplying the @OCCURRENCE value. Can you please submit a support ticket for our team to look into this further.

  • Kris Corrigan


    Am calling the email from the 'Tools', 'Send Email' via the opportunity.



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