
Crystal Report Windows Forms Viewer Error: String Limit



  • Dave Click

    What would be a work around or how can this be corrected?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Dave,

    I have reached out to a few people here who are more familiar with Crystal Reports than I am. We'll have a response to you within the next few days.


  • Emily Crank

    Hi Dave-
    This is actually a limitation of Crystal Reports. Because only certain HTML tags are valid in Crystal, we use a formula to strip unsupported tags out of notes before displaying them on a report so that they display as best as possible. However, Crystal Reports can only process a certain number of characters in a formula.

    The best way to correct this is to find the long note in Ungerboeck and break it up into multiple notes. Or, if you have Crystal Reports and can edit the report, you could place the plain note text (CC025_NOTE_TEXT) directly on the report. However, you would lose all formatting of the note on the report.

    Hope this helps!
    Technical Services

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