
Personnel Account Not Assigned to User ID



  • Mudit Dhebar - Business Systems

    Hi USI,

    In the instance of more than one Organization, what is the best practice if not adding new personnel account ?



  • Sean Tame

    Hi Mudit,

    Not exactly sure of your question but the system is designed for you to be able to link one Personnel Account per Org to a single User ID.  Does this help?

  • Mudit Dhebar - Business Systems

    Hi Sean,

    Yes, that's correct, I think the ability to add multiple organization to user master user id is not currently mapped with personnel account and thus we need to create separate account by switching to the new org first.

    Thanks for your input.

    Kind Regards,



  • Michelle Herson

    Hi Mudit,

    Can you explain how you were able to do this?  I am trying to give some users access to another org but when they try to email in that new org it says they don't have a personnel account.  I went to users in the new org, found the user, when to tools, "add personnel account", but then it gives me an error saying "communication type must be unique".  So, I try to user the users' existing personal account but it doesn't work.


    How were you able to do it?  

    Thank you!

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Michelle, 

    Looks like you got this resolved working with our Client Care Team. Let us know if you need anything else!



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