
Resend a Registrant their Confirmation



  • Florine Postell

    I'm looking to resend the confirmation email that is auto sent from the registration site. Following these instructions didn't apply to this situation I'm trying to create.

  • Danilo Bernal

    Hi Florine, if you want to send the same email confirmation sent by the system when the registrant submitted the order, you can see that email in the documents folder for the registrant you want to resend a copy of that email.


  • Florine Postell

    I followed the steps, but this is the Registrant Confirmation report that I can access. No option to run the registration confirmation template. So far I cannot locate the confirmation email stored anywhere. Any further advise? 

  • Danilo Bernal

    Hi Fiorine, we will contact you to review your settings.

  • Megan Eve

    What if the registration has changed on the back-end how do you send a new confirmation email to them with the changes?


  • Danilo Bernal

    Hi Megan, you can send the registrant confirmation report as a PDF for the registrant. You can also create an email template with the order information.

  • Megan Eve

    Hi Danilo, thanks for the quick response. I am still having issues with using that report. Here is the scenario. We have add to move an event several times because of Covid. Which means camping registration dates had to change as well. So we asked people to go in an edit their order from May dates to July dates. There was one registrant that couldn't do it for whatever reason. So an USI user went it and changed their dates in the back office. By going to registrant tab off the event, finding the registrant they needed, clicking edit, then to registration order items and changed the dates that way. Well under the documents tab I can see the email confirmation and it is for the old dates. Okay, that is fine I get why that is still the same. If I do it your way by reports> registrant confirmation report it says the correct dates under the registration header but what we would really like is for them to get the confirmation email again with the email body, map, etc., with the updated dates. Is there a way to do that? Is that what you mean by "you can also create an email template with the order information." 

    Also, what if we don't just need to change the dates in back office but add or delete one. How does the system update so we can refund - if a date was removed or how do we charge them if a date was added? Adding a registration order item in back office. Again, this is because the registrant couldn't edit his/her order for some reason and we are doing it for him/her. 


    thank you!

  • Danilo Bernal

    Hi Megan, I understand the need, and we can handle it with email templates. We'll contact you shortly.

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