
Promo or Discount Codes



  • Sean Tame

    Many thanks Fabienne.  I was hoping for an clear explanation of the two options on the attached screen.  My screen is different from yours.  It is accessed via v19 | Event Master | Event Promo Codes.

    "Discount is only available if specific criteria is met" "Up to n of each x" 

    "Discount only applies to the following items" "Up to n of each x"

  • Fabienne Mannherz

    Hi Sean,

    so you are using v19 registration I guess. the window which is opening is quite similar but the options for configuring the v19 promo codes are fewer.:

    "Discount is only available if specific critieria is met" "Up to n of each" means: e.g. you want to limit the promo code being applied only if you have selecten 1x full congress ticket + 1 time gala dinner

    "Discount only applies to the following items "Up to n of each x" allows you to define wether the discount is given to the whole order (do not select anything here) or only to specific items (e.g. the gala dinner).

  • Sean Tame

    Still not 100% clear - My scenario is buy 6, pay for 5.  The 6 can be any combination of a few resources.  The discount is off only one of the selected resources (the cheapest).  Can this be done?  If so, what would be the settings?

  • Fabienne Mannherz

    Hi Sean, what you are trying to achieve cannot be done with the standard Ungerboeck configurations described within the knowledge base. I would recommend to contact your local support office/consultant to find an individual solution how you can handle your registration discounts.

  • Jamie Miller

    How do you apply a promo code in v20 to an order from the admin side?

  • Fabienne Mannherz

    Dear Jamie, thanks for your question!

    I have added a new article: https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/entries/37447477-How-to-apply-promo-codes-within-v20-backoffice-registration

    Please let me know if you have any further questions.

  • Becky Slembarski

    How can you get a promo code for amount off to apply to each line item rather than the order total? Say, $50 off per item, rather than $xxx off the Order. I had it working before, but now I can't figure it out!


  • Fabienne Mannherz

    Hi Becky,

    promo code amounts are only applied to "each line" when using the configuration "discount only applies to the following items" - then you need to specifiy all items you want to use this promo code for. If this is all - as you want to display the discount amount for every item, you need to select all functions here and maybe enter a number like "up to 100 of..."

    Hope this helps!

  • Permanently deleted user

    How do you get your promo code box to display on your fron end registration?  My box does not show  up.  Is this a registration set-up issue?

  • Becky Slembarski

    Ours typically displayed only after the customer hits "Update Cart".

  • Permanently deleted user

    But the promo code box does not show up on my registration page, let alone the update cart box.  Is there something I need to change on my custom form template to make it appear?

  • Fabienne Mannherz

    Dear Jessica,

    The promo code box is displayed as soon as you have configured at least one promo code for this event. Otherwise the box will be hidden.

  • Becky Slembarski

    I have two promo codes built into an event. One is automatic, and the other we would like to keep exclusive and ask customers to enter it in the PROMO box (and override the automatic promo to this even better discount). However, the box is not displaying at all. Even after hitting Update Cart. Thoughts? I need this one working asap as we are going live with marketing very soon. Thanks!

  • Fabienne Mannherz

    Ungerboeck Promo Codes are designed to be applied to an order once - as soon as you are using an automatic promo code within the URL there is no possibility to add a second (manual) one - therefore the PROMO box within the Cart-Page will not appear anymore. The only possibility would be to create two different registration URLs - one with the automatic Promo Code and one without to use the manual ones...

  • Anna Johnston

    We work with schools and we want to give out a promo code to a few schools that would give them three free registrations. I know how to create the promo code that will result in the free registrations but we want to limit it to three per school. If a school sends more than three people they will need to pay the full registration fee for those additional people. Is there a way that we can do that with the promo codes? This is not available to everyone that registers for our conference, only select schools.



  • Fabienne Mannherz

    Hi Anna,

    as far as I can tell from your request you would at least create one promo code per school and limit the "discount applies for" to three. This would require that the school registers all participants within one order. If you do not use multiple registrants within the same order you could set the number available to three. Anyway for this kind of request I would suggest to contact your consultant to discuss the business case as there might be a better solution/further dependencies I am not able to tell without knowing your processes.

  • Laura Webb

    I think I know the answer to this, but would appreciate confirmation. Is there a way to create a promo code that is universal across all events without creating the same code uniquely for each event? I see the Promo Code window from the Main Menu that appears to be a catalog from which I can assign the same promo code to multiple events in Registration Setup. I'm curious if there is a way to create the promo code in something like this Main Menu promo code window and not have to assign it to any events but it works on a registration site.

  • Fabienne Mannherz

    Hi Laura,

    you are absolutely right! The promo code window from the main menu severs as a template setup you can use for various events (but you need to link them). Currently there is no such functionality. However we are working on a cross-event-registration shopping cart at the moment which might allow for using a promo code across multiple events, too!

  • Laura Webb

    Fabienne - Thanks for the info and for confirming. That's very helpful.

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