
Email Notifications for Requisition or Purchase Order Approvals



  • David Clifton

    Can you send a hyperlink to an event screen via email, in the same way that you do with a purchase order? The url for the purchase order is
    where the window ID is PO7907 and the PO number us 10002068.

    The window ID for the edit event window is EB8074 but I don't know how to pass the event ID through in the way that the PO number is passed. Is this possible?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi David,

    You can send a hyperlink to the edit event screen using the following steps:

    1. From the Events screen, edit the event you would like to hyperlink to.
    2. On the Edit Event screen, select Tools -> Email -> Send Link by Email.
    3. On the Send Link screen, enter the email address for the person receiving the email and click Send.

    The user will receive the hyperlink and can click on it to open the Edit Event screen (provided they are a system user and have access to the screen).


  • David Clifton

    Thanks Maggie. This is a great start although I should have explained the main reason I wanted this and I don't think that this will work for me.
    Basically, I want to incorporate a hyperlink into a crystal report that takes the user directly to the edit event screen based on the wildcard EV200_EVT_ID
    It appears that Ungerboeck v20 creates a unique 'page view' each time the 'send link by email' feature is used. The following is an example; http://fs2k12s3:81/ViewShare.aspx?lid=QveOE1W%2f%2bAxN%2fmk0yGC0PQ%3d%3d
    Unfortunately this means that I am unable to use this URL as a default hyperlink within the crystal report with any wildcard unique to the edit event screen for a particular event.
    Is there another way that I could do this for the edit event screen, similar to the review purchase order screen hyperlink as follows??
    http://fs2k12s3:81/ungerboeck.aspx?OrgCode=10&PurchaseOrderNbr= {PO100_PO_REQ} &wdwid=PO7907

  • Maggie U.

    Hi David,

    Thanks for the additional information! The window ID you are looking for is EB8074 - I'm not sure if this will work but you can give it a try. Your URL would be formatted like this:

    http://database.ungerboecksoftware.com/ungerboeck.aspx?wdwid=EB8074&EvtID={enter the wildcard formula}&OrgCode={enter your org code here}

    So assuming your database URL is http://database.ungerboecksoftware.com and the event ID being filled into the wildcard is 12345 and your org code is 10, your URL may look like: http://database.ungerboecksoftware.com/ungerboeck.aspx?wdwid=EB8074&EvtID=12345&OrgCode=10.

    Hopefully this is clear and helps you generate the URL that you need!


  • Kris Corrigan
    Hi Maggie The thread above is something on which I am referring to, how can we add this URL in the email template for 'Send Link by Email' on a requisition. Thanks Kris
  • Maggie U.
    Hi Kris, Are you referring to adding the Edit Event URL that is discussed above to the email template that is used when using the "Send Link By Email" option for a requisition? If so, there currently isn't a way to do this using the Event ID wildcard that is referenced above because wildcards aren't available on this screen. You can manually build the URL for the event ID and insert it into the Send Link screen as a hyperlink but there isn't a way currently to automatically generate the URL based on the event assigned to the requisition. If you are referring to the link to edit a requisition, that automatically gets added and created when you select Send Link via Email from the Requisitions screen. It will create a hyperlink with the requisition and screen information that can then be opened by the user receiving the email. Thanks, Maggie
  • Kris Corrigan
    Thanks Maggie, I am referring to Send Link By Email for a requisition and would like to pull the event id and the supplier on the email itself, I understand clicking the hyperlink will take me through to the req with this detail on but would like to know if this can be added in the body of the email.
  • Maggie U.
    Hi Kris, Because the Send Link By Email screen does not support wildcards or email templates, this is not currently possible. Thanks, Maggie
  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi with regards to the 'send link by email' is there a way to see the URL behind this, we have found that when this is approving requisitions from the requester the status will be changed but the line item will remain 'Newly Entered'



  • Lauren Curd

    Hi Kris -

    I believe it would be helpful to see an example of what you are seeing.  I just tried this in a demo database we have, and when I approved the full requisition through the email link, the status on the items followed suit and changed accordingly.  There is not a way to see the URL prior to sending from the email template, but I glanced at the URL on one of my test requisitions, and the only differences between the URL on the email and the main Ungerboeck URL is that its giving direct access to the requisition itself by referencing the org code, requisition number, and the action code of A for Approvals.





  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Lauren

    In our production database of V20.8 L approving the req will also approve the line item/s but when the link via email is sent and approved by clicking OK the req approves but not the line items.



  • Kris Corrigan

    How can a req be 'lower' the functionality is their but I can't lower a req to its previous status.


  • Lauren Curd

    Hi Kris -

    Please submit a case so that we can review the requisition line items when approving via the email.

    I am not sure I totally understand your second question in terms of 'lower' the functionality?



  • Kris Corrigan


    We have an issue where if the link is sent to an approver although they may have the authority to approve the amount it allows to them to approve the req by clicking OK although the don't have access to the department.

    An example of this is a requisition is raised to a department of 160 and sent to the approver, the approver wont be able to view this via his requisition screen as he doesn't have access but by clicking on the link he has been sent to view he can see and approve at this point the requisition.



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Kris,

    Well that certainly doesn't sound right. Please enter a ticket with our Client Care Team with the recreation steps and they'll be able to take it from there.



  • Kris Corrigan


    When the link is sent to a budget holder, is the information stored in the database of who this has been sent to?



  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    If it is automatically sent based on PO configuration window, there is no record in the database

  • Dale King

    Hi Maggie

    Is there a library (one place) that has a list of possible links/URLs and the syntax for them.

    This would be useful (e.g. not only to know when to use "PurchaseOrderNbr" but then "EvtID") but also to know whats possible and where I could make use of these



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Dale,

    I'm not aware of one but I can ask our Development Team to see if they can put something together. With the holiday and upcoming release, this may take some time but I'll put the request in.



  • Gavin Gilmartin


    We seem to be having an issue with the link within the email notifications. Rather than include our site name (venue.ungerboeck.com.....), links display as https://app85.cshtml/?OrgCode=10&RequisitionReq=593&wdwid=PO7910 therefore take us to page that doesn't exist. 

    Can anyone offer advice?

  • Lauren Curd

    Hi Gavin - 

    The first part of the link gets created in the send email build, but it is not controlled by a parameter or site configuration option we display.

    Please submit a case so that we can review why the link is not generating as expected.



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