
A/P Demographics



  • Shalen Sookdeo


    I would like to know what would be the best way to allocate staff to a GL distribution scheme? We currently do vouchers for temp staff. Should we be doing it any differently?




  • Maggie U.

    Hi Shalen,

    I'm not clear on the question you are asking.  Can you provide some additional information? 


  • Shalen Sookdeo

    Okay Apologies 

    We hire temp staff on a daily basis from recruitment agencies such as waitrons and bartenders etc who we use per event. 

    We currently receive an invoice for the hire of these different staff. Each staff is on a different rate of pay and has to be captured to different GL's for payment so that we can see how much we spent on waitrons and bartenders etc. 

    We currently do vouchers to pay the agency for their staff. Is there a better way of capturing and allocating these payments instead of vouchers?

    Can i add these staff as an inventory item instead so that we could do PO's for the staff?

  • Patrick Tenny

    They could be added as an inventory item with correct GL Distribution and correct cost and added to PO as needed; then received and matched to AP vouchers when invoice received.

  • Shalen Sookdeo

    Does the inventory item not require that you bring in qty? how would i bring in qty of staff if i add it as an inventory item?

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Shalen,

    I expect that you would mark the staff Inventory Item as 'Non Stock'.  Non Stock items allow you to create items that do not hold a balance.

  • Shalen Sookdeo

    Okay thank you kindly. I will test it this way.

    Much appreciated.

  • Gavin Gilmartin

    When adding Suppliers can the A/P Demographic - Status field default to Inactive?

  • Irene Tjandrasa

    Hi Gaviin,

    To default to inactive for suppliers, the organization parameter AP108 needs to be set to I.



  • Chanh Huynh

    Hi there

    A supplier has asked for us to send a remittance advice to 2 different email addresses when a payment is made. 

    When I go to AP Demographics, the email address is a drop down so it looks like only 1 email address can be selected. Is this right? Can UB facilitate for more than 1 email address for remittances? I want to avoid our Finance Officer having to remember to add in the second email address each time.


  • Irene Tjandrasa

    Hi Chanh,

    Currently unfortunately we can only have 1 email address on AP demographics. 



  • Sean Tame

    Chanh Huynh - Have you tried entering the 'one' email as 


    This has worked in other areas in the past and may work here for you.

  • Chanh Huynh

    Hi Sean - yes I did but it resulted in the last email in that string that got saved. 

  • Krystal Shiers

    We have an older account that successfully has 2 emails in AP Demographics (entered the way that Sean shows in his recommendation)....but when we attempted to add a 2nd email on a different account recently, we experienced the same issue as you are describing in that it only saves the last email in the string.  It would seem that it "used" to be an option to have 2 emails (perhaps unintentionally), but it is no longer.

  • Gavin Gilmartin

    When fields such as sort code or account number were changed our Finance team would receive an activity notification but this has now stopped (30.98b). Is there a way to turn this feature back on?

  • Irene Tjandrasa

    Hi Gavin,

    You can check on the audit log configuration window to see if recipient list is configured for the activity you want to have notification on.


  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Thanks Irene. Where do you configure notifications to changes of AP demographics? Is it the same function as activity notifications or is there a different piece of configuration?

  • Irene Tjandrasa

    It is on the audit log configuration called supplier demographics. 

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Gavin,

    The last section of this article may help you find your way to adding a recipient list to an audit log transaction:

    As Irene mentioned, you'll want to look for the Supplier Demographic transaction and assign your recipient list to that. Please let us know if you need any additional help! 


  • Theresa Gorman

    Momentus Support Center

    Is there an audit log for A/P demographics?  I can see one for A/R demographics but not A/P.

    If there isn't one, is it on a roadmap to add?


  • Chelsea Dolman

    Hi Theresa,

    You will find audited changes to A/P Demographic in the audit log under the transaction classes 'Supplier Demographics' and 'Supplier Bank Information'. If you are still not seeing the expected transactions after using these classes as filters, please check the Audit Log Configuration to ensure the required types have an Active status.

    You might also be interested in the 'Supplier Bank Account Approval' feature, which ensures that a review is carried out anytime bank account information has been changed on a supplier account. The 'Bank Info Status' field on the A/P Demographics window must be updated by a different user, prior to making any new payments to the supplier.

    We will update this knowledge base article with more details about this functionality very soon. In the meantime, if you would like to explore this further, please take a look at Organisation Parameter AP310 and the fields called 'Bank Info Changed by', 'Bank Info Status', 'Reviewed by' and 'Reviewed on' in the A/P Demographics window.



  • Theresa Gorman

    Thanks Chelsea, found it now.  I was looking to see when 'currency' was changed but unfortunately this is not included in the audit.

    Thanks for quick response.

  • Kris Corrigan

    Edit/Add/Delete Accounts by Account Rep

    This doesnt seem to have the Supplier Accounts within these seem to be personnel contacts, how can I view Supplier accounts to move user/role access?

  • Chelsea Dolman

    Hi Kris,

    I think this KB article might help you with the Supplier Account Access Privilege - https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/articles/204561278-Suppliers.

    We will also add a link in the article above to help with this question in the future.

    Many thanks,


  • Kris Corrigan

    Thanks Chelsea Dolman the issue is the accounts in the access privilege are personnel accounts as opposed to AP/Supplier accounts, is this a setting on a parameter elsewhere?

  • Chelsea Dolman

    Hi Kris,

    You won't find the Supplier Accounts here. Instead, you need to use the Account Rep on the Supplier Account to drive the access.

    To use Edit/Add/Delete Accounts by Account Rep access privilege:

    A User or Role should be added to this access privilege (the User or the Role of the person/s who should have access to the A/P Demographics). Then you can assign a specific Account Rep to that User/Role on the Access Privilege (right click -> Assign details). If a supplier account has that same Account Rep assigned, then only the User/Role assigned in the access privilege will be able to view and edit the A/P Demographics.

    Keep in mind that if any other Users/Roles are on the access privilege and are assigned to 'All Details', then they will have access to all the A/P Demographics.



  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Chelsea

    The case I am wanting is for only certain staff/role to be able to choose a supplier, from past this was able to be done viaEdit/Add/Delete Accounts by Account Rep

    Based on the above I have removed the contract mananger from my role for the supplier below and I am still abble to choose the supplier to raise a req



  • Chelsea Dolman

    Hi Kris,

    Thanks for the use case. This functionality doesn't ring a bell for me or the product team (not to say it hasn't been possible in the past), but I can confirm the Edit/Add/Delete Accounts by Account Rep access privilege does not restrict who can choose specific suppliers on a Requisition or PO as it currently stands.

    Can you please submit a Support ticket? This can then be sent to our Product team for further analysis.

    Many thanks,


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