
Automatic Payment Plan Activities



  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi there
    Is there anywhere to set the Activity Type that these come through as?

  • Amanda

    Is it possible to have the traces/activities sent only to certain reps? For example one rep prefers to receive them but another rep does not.

  • Jodi Webb

    Hi there,

    I realise it's been a while since this thread was used, but wondering if it's possible for the automatic activity to be added when an additional payment step is inserted into the Payment Schedule? It would save time so the user didn't have to include another activity on the event.




  • Maggie U.

    Hi Amanda,

    When using wildcards, there isn't a way to exclude an activity being created for someone.

    However, if an email is being sent or an activity notification is displaying in the software when the activity is created, you can turn that off for a specific user by going to the Users screen, editing the user and opening the Activity Notifications section. In this section, there is an Email and Ungerboeck checkbox. If those are unchecked, then that user will not receive email notifications or Ungerboeck notifications (displays on the Global Navigation in v20 next to the user's name) for any activities. This way the activity is created but the user isn't alerted to it. Note that changing this setting will change the settings for all activities for this user, not just for payment plan activities.


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Jerry,

    There isn't a way to configure the activity type for the automatic activities.


  • Mark Fingerhut

    Hi Jodi - this is not currently available. There would be an additional step to add a reminder activity related to a manually added payment step. Although it is a good idea for an enhancement, I'd suggest submitting it for review.

    Mark F

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Jodi,

    I prefer to turn off the reminders for PP steps.  I usually create views (that can go onto dashboards) which list PP steps (interim only, not final) that are due to be issued.  Whoever is in charge of invoicing (the activity recipient) can just open this view and issue all due steps at once.  They can do this daily, every few days, weekly etc.

    This way you do not have heaps of activities to wade through and complete.  If the PP step is edited, no need to add/change an activity.

    This has proven very effective and efficient for many clients.

  • Jodi Webb

    Hi Sean,

    This would be great to see. How do you configure this and in what screen?




  • Kelly Potter

    Just to round off this conversation, Payment Plan Invoicing is a useful screen for creating views to display payment plan steps that have not yet been invoiced. Try using such filters as Invoiced = No and Issue Date = through today.



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