
Volume Pricing Configuration in Registration



  • Marilene Vasco

    Even though I have the volume price for an merchandise item, I don't want to display it on the registration web page.
    Is it possible, how do I achieve it.
    Thank you,

  • Danilo Bernal

    Hi Marilene, it is possible but we do not recommend it. Based on our User Experience team we want to be very clear with public facing users about pricing and options on the web.
    Now, this is how you can do it. The first step is to create (or use) a custom dictionary. If you go to Main Menu, Dictionaries, you will be able to see the custom dictionary (or create a new one copying it from the master dictionary). Select Find and Replace v20 Phrases for the custom dictionary. Then search for the phrase "View Volume Price" and clear the user phrase. This will make the option disappear in public facing registration.

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