
Voucher Processing (Supplier Invoices)



  • Quentin Stoodley

    Hi, is there a process to use an AR invoice from a customer who is also a supplier to pay off a voucher? ie one account is both AR customer and AP supplier. They have an AR invoice for $5,000 and an AP voucher for $5,000. Can one be applied to the other to cancel it out?

  • Stefanie Koffler

    Hi Quentin, if you would like to pay off a supplier invoice with an AR invoice to the same customer, you need to do the following: issue your invoice in AR and create your voucher in AP as usual. In AR, process a Refund payment transaction to clear the AR. In AP, process a Credit Voucher (Voucher Processing). If using the GL, post the voucher to the same GL account as the AR Refund GL account. In Payment Processing, use the pay method “Application” to apply the credit voucher to the open voucher.

  • Bharat Choudhary

    Hi, we are a New Zealand firm processing all our EBMS payments in NZD. If a PO is raised in AUD currency, what is the process for creating an AP voucher and an AP payment which would convert that value into NZD. I can see the PO is closed and it shows both the AUD value and converted NZD value but not sure what steps to follow while creating a AP voucher and payment. We have never used multiple currencies but recently explored this functionality. 

  • Bharat Choudhary

    Sorry forgot to mention, we are using V19.8

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Bharat,

    The system automatically sets the voucher currency based on the PO currency.  There currently isn't a way to change this. 



  • Kayla Jungkind

    Hello USI,

    Wondering if there is a way to notify the PO requestor when a voucher is matched with the PO?  This would tell the requestor that AP is going to create the cheque that week, and that their supplier will be receive it shortly.

  • Patrick Tenny

    You may organize a dashboard view that details Purchase Order items by Requestor showing Amount Paid column along with Changed On column. Amount Paid indicates an accounts payable voucher has been created. If there is an Amount Paid, the Changed on Date indicates voucher creation date.

    You may also consider a custom report.

  • Kayla Jungkind

    Thank you Pat!!

  • Rebecca Green

    Hello USI,

    I am reviewing the voucher window layout (20.93) and see a field labeled Payment Instructions that is a computed vouchers field cVOUCHERS | cPAYMENT_INSTRUCTION.  Could you provide some information about where this field would pull from?  It sounds like something that could be very useful for our staff but I need a bit more information.  Thanks

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Rebecca,

    Interesting find.  I do not recall reading about this in any release notes.

    It seems as though you can now add a second set of Bank Account details for a supplier on their Demographics (need to add them to the layout first).  Once a Supplier has a second set of bank details, this Payment Instruction field is a hyperlink which opens a window asking for what $ value of the voucher is to be paid out of the Primary and Secondary accounts.

  • Rebecca Green

    Thanks Sean

  • Ryan G.

    Hi Rebecca and Sean,

    Sean is correct. The Payment Instructions field is intended for Supplier accounts that have more than one bank account.  If the secondary bank details are populated then you can use this field to select which of the supplier’s bank accounts will be used for payment.  For example, we typically pay ABC Distributors with a wire transfer to Sample Bank.  For the current invoice we owe to ABC Distributors, they have requested we send a wire to Pretend Bank.  The payment instructions link would allow us to change the bank info when processing the voucher.  If we are paying a supplier with a check, then this is not needed. The secondary bank information fields will need to be populated before the payment instructions field will work.  I would suggest adding these fields to the AP Demographics window. 



  • Sean Tame

    Hi Ryan,

    I don't recall reading this in any release notes??

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